

单词 grandly
释义 grand·ly AHD-ndlē,-li,-nl- ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁴³⁴⁴BNC²⁸⁶⁶²iWeb³⁸⁹²⁸Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

in a grand manner;

the mansion seemed grandly large by today's standards

grand-ly像⇒adv.宏伟地³³;堂皇地³⁴;隆重地¹¹;盛大地²²近义词 loftily高尚地haughtily傲慢地splendidly辉煌地luxuriously奢侈地majestically威严地magnificently很好地ostentatiously夸耀地impressively令人难忘地extravagantly挥霍无度地pretentiously自命不凡地

用作副词But we also immerse when the opening ceremonygrandly.但我们还沉浸在开幕式的宏伟中。
His house is verygrandlyfurnished.他房子的家具非常富丽堂皇。
She announcedgrandlythat she was spending Christmas in the Caribbean.她隆重地宣布,她在加勒比海过的圣诞节。adv.royally
同义词 wonderfullymajestically,regally,sumptuously
largelyadverb to a great extent
abundantly,as a rule,broadly,by and large,chiefly,commodiously,comprehensively,considerably,copiously,expansively,extensively,extravagantly,generally,generously,immoderately,imposingly,in a big way,in a grand manner,lavishly,liberally,magnificently,mainly,mostly,on a large scale,overall,predominantly,primarily,principally,prodigally,prodigiously,voluminously,widely
splendidlyadverb brilliantly
beautifully,elegantly,excellently,gorgeously,grandly,handsomely,illustriously,magnificently,majestically,radiantly,remarkably,strikingly,superbly,well,wonderfully A minute or two later, the little girl opened the bathroom door and grandly walked in. I was still sitting down.
大概一两分钟后,我当时还坐在马桶上,那个小女孩推开洗手间的门,大模大样地走了进来。 ebigear

Bringing the measure forward is said to be among the proposals being prepared for the “ jobs summit” Gordon Brown has grandly announced.
此项措施的提出被认为是为戈登•布朗英国首相隆重通告的“就业峰会”所准备的提议之一。 ecocn

In order to grandly present an unexpected gift to you in the near future, our company has Bought the Blank space of this page in today's newspaper.
本公司买下今日报纸的这块空白版面,是为了不久的将来向您隆重奉献一份意想不到的礼物。 jukuu

All in all, farmers did grandly under Mr Thaksin, declares Uthai Khunthabutra, a retired schoolteacher.
总的来说,退休教师乌泰说,在他信的治理下,农民受到了重视。 ecocn

As the Brigadier responsible for Individual Training for the Royal Marines, I had a perspective on what I wanted to achieve in that role, which I detailed in a grandly titled Strategic Plan.
作为负责皇家海军培训的准将,我在这个岗位上想要取得什么的成绩的想法将在战略计划中阐述。 yeeyan

But the Murray Hill building that housed that apartment, grandly called Lindley House, was a prewar beauty, with a lobby of dark burnished wood and gleaming floors.
但莫里·希尔建造了一座梦幻的房子,叫做林德利庄园。 这是一个漂亮的地方,大厅铺着泛着亮光的深色实木地板。 yeeyan

But11 EU governments grandly promised such referendums on the constitution, and ten of them have been dishonest in pretending that Lisbon is a wholly different document.
欧盟成员国中有11国的宪法中明文规定这样的公投的合法性,但却有是个国家假装里斯本条约不符合公投对象的要求。 ecocn

He is a millionaire businessman who grandly claims to be“ someone who cares about the social welfare of the people”.
他是一位百万富翁、一位商业,他庄严地称自己是“一个关心人民社会幸福安康的人”。 ecocn

In it he grandly announced the start of a “ second” independence campaign for India, to fight against a government refusing to do anything useful to stop corruption.
他慷慨激昂地在视频里宣称印度的“第二次”独立运动已经到来,面对政府拒绝采取有效措施打击腐败的行为,人民应该大力反抗。 ecocn

Leadership gurus talk grandly about providing“ a narrative” that people want to follow.
领导力大师们夸夸其谈地讲到,要提供一个人们愿意效仿的“故事”。 ebigear

Most grandly, they might help test the bounds of quantum theory and our sense of reality.
更重要的是,它们有助于测定量子理论和我们日常感知的边界。 yeeyan

Officials running the new health- reform effort this week declared grandly that costs must not increase by more than5% next year— but, as Mr Roosevelt observes, that seems“ more hopeful than likely”.
但致力于新型医疗改革尝试的官员却在本周堂而皇之地宣布,下一年度成本的增加绝不能超过了5%,但诚如罗斯福先生所言,这似乎是“有希望大于有可能”吧。 ecocn

Or we can ask the question more grandly about larger expands of time.

Russia agrees to celebrate the10th anniversary of the Treaty grandly next year.
俄方赞同明年隆重举行《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署10周年庆祝活动。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Today we gather here to grandly celebrate the International Women's Day.
今天我们汇聚一堂,隆重庆祝三八国际妇女节。 hjenglish




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