

单词 grander
释义 grand·er 英ɡrænd美ɡrænd COCA²⁹⁰⁰⁷BNC²⁰⁸⁸⁵Economist¹²⁵⁶²

splendid in appearance or style

显赫的; 高傲的

of a person important but perhaps too proud


very pleasant; delightful

the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100a piano with the strings on a horizontal harp-shaped frame; usually supported by three legs
of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope;

an expansive lifestyle

in the grand manner

collecting on a grand scale

heroic undertakings

of or befitting a lord;

heir to a lordly fortune

of august lineage

rich and superior in quality;

a princely sum

gilded dining rooms

extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers;

a fantastic trip to the Orient

the film was fantastic!

a howling success

a marvelous collection of rare books

had a rattling conversation about politics

a tremendous achievement

of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style;

an exalted ideal

argue in terms of high-flown ideals

a noble and lofty concept

a grand purpose

large and impressive in physical size or extent;

the bridge is a grand structure

the most important and magnificent in adornment;

grand ballroom

grand staircase

used of a person's appearance or behavior; befitting an eminent person;

his distinguished bearing

the monarch's imposing presence

she reigned in magisterial beauty

grand, glorious, magnificent, splendid, wonderful



2.glorious除了本义“光荣的”外,还可表示“光辉的; 灿烂的,壮丽的”,并含有“令人愉快的; 讨人欢喜的”意思。例如:

Isn't the sunshine glorious?这阳光不是很灿烂吗?
We had a glorious time.我们过得很愉快。


The new hotel is a magnificent building.这新饭店是一座富丽堂皇的建筑。
The actor gave a magnificent performance.那演员作了精彩的表演。


They have read a wonderful book.他们读了一本精彩的书。


Here's St. John's,the grandest of Gothic Cathedrals in this part of the country.这儿是圣约翰教堂,是这个国家这一带最雄伟的哥特式的大教堂。
He met a lot of grand people.他会见了许多显赫人物。big,large,great,grand






用作形容词 adj.
~+名词grand air堂堂仪表grand clothes华丽的服装grand man伟人,名人grand music高尚的音乐grand total总计grand welcome party盛大的欢迎会
用作形容词adj.grand total

总共,总计,合计amount to

近义词 noblesplendidmagnificent反义词 smallcommonlittlepretty
~+ n.The Grand Canal runs through his hometown.大运河流经他的家乡。
There's a grand view of the mountains.这儿可以看到群山的壮丽景象。
Here's St.John's,the grandest of Gothic Cathedrals in this part of the country.这儿是圣约翰教堂,是这个国家这一带最雄伟的哥特式大教堂。
The grand mass rally was held on the square.广场上举行了盛大的群众集会。
We met a lot of grand people when we went to the palace.我们去宫殿时碰到了许多大人物。
Lincoln had a grand character.林肯具有伟大的人格。
He is a man of grand gestures.他是一个装腔作势的人。
We had a grand weather for our trip.我们旅游时的天气好极了。
What a grand thing to have a picture taken here!在这里拍一张照真是太妙了!
This is an excellent poem written in the grand style.这是一首以壮丽的风格写成的绝妙好诗。
S+be+~How grand the mountains look in the early light!晨曦中的群山是多么宏伟壮观!
The job isn't as grand as it sounds.这工作不像听起来的那么重要。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseEverywhere we went,the French were grand to us.我们到处受到法国人的热情接待。

grand的基本意思是“宏伟的,崇高的,庄严的”。用于山川、建筑物时,指其规模宏大,气势雄伟; 用于人时,指其具有非凡的成就或品质,从而使人感到其崇高与伟大,常译成“重要的,显赫的,首要的”,一般用于修饰地位或官衔等。

用作形容词This is agrandoccasion.这是个盛大的场面。
He was born in the purple and was brought up in thegrandpalace.他出身于皇族,在宏伟的宫殿中长大。
Howgrandthe mountains look in the early evening!暮色中群山是多么壮丽!用作名词The piano soon developed into the contemporary nine- to ten-foot concertgrand.不久钢琴就发展到同时代的九到十英尺的平台大钢琴。
It'll cost you 50grand!那要5万元!as in.superior
同义词 admirable,exceptional,first-rate,good,high-caliber,preferable,remarkable,superhumanabove,capital,choice,dandy,exclusive,expert,fine,major,over,premium,primary,seniora cut above,deluxe,distinguished,exceeding,famous,finer,first-class,first-string,five-star,good quality,high-class,more advanced,more skillful,noteworthy,of higher rank,overlying,paramount,predominant,preferred,prevailing,superincumbent,surpassing,unrivalled
反义词 detestable,normal,ordinary,unremarkable,usual,bad,inferior,low-class,minor,poor,secondary,unimportantbelow,humble,lower,meek
most superioradjective better, greater, higher;excellent
a cut above,above,admirable,capital,choice,dandy,deluxe,distinguished,exceeding,exceptional,exclusive,expert,famous,fine,finer,first-class,first-rate,first-string,five-star,good,good quality,high-caliber,high-class,major,more advanced,more skillful,noteworthy,of higher rank,over,overlying,paramount,predominant,preferable,preferred,premium,prevailing,primary,remarkable,senior,superhuman,superincumbent,surpassing,unrivalled
superioradjective better, greater, higher;excellent
a cut above,above,admirable,capital,choice,dandy,deluxe,distinguished,exceeding,exceptional,exclusive,expert,famous,fine,finer,first-class,first-rate,first-string,five-star,good,good quality,grander,high-caliber,high-class,major,more advanced,more skillful,noteworthy,of higher rank,over,overlying,paramount,predominant,preferable,preferred,premium,prevailing,primary,remarkable,senior,superhuman,superincumbent,surpassing,unrivalled Dovetailing with the tactical engagement, these institutional practices now map in a direct way to the greater and more exciting aspects of grander business needs.
与战术契约一致,这些制度的实践现在以直接的方式映射到更大且更令人兴奋的宏大的商业目标的方面上。 ibm

Most of us have seen the glory of a magnificent sunset or heard the sound of sweet music and have found ourselves in awe of something greater and grander than ourselves.
我们大多数人都见过绚丽夺目的夕阳景色,或听过悠扬悦耳的乐曲,都会发现自己对一些比自己更伟大的事物,赞叹不已。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ultimately, Dr Gordon expects the analysis of personal stories in weblogs to be used much like Google's flu tracker, but on a much grander scale.
最后,戈登博士期待这种对博文个人故事的分析,能够像谷歌的“流感追踪”一样广泛应用,但应用规模会更为庞大。 ecocn




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