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词汇 amounts
释义 a·mount·s 英ə'maʊnt美ə'maʊnt COCA⁴⁴⁴⁹BNC³²¹²Economist²⁴⁶⁵

a sum of money;a quantity of money


a quantity of sth

vi. 合计,共计

add up to or total sth

vi. 等同,接近

be equal to or equivalent of sth

a quantity of money;

he borrowed a large sum

the amount he had in cash was insufficient

the relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion;

an adequate amount of food for four people

how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantifya quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
be tantamount or equivalent to;

Her action amounted to a rebellion

add up in number or quantity;

The bills amounted to $2,000

The bill came to $2,000

develop into;

This idea will never amount to anything

nothing came of his grandiose plans

amount, aggregate, number, quantity, sum, total, whole


aggregate指把数目的各个部分加在一起;amount指累积的结果;number指数字或东西相加所得的总数;sum指最后的总结果,表示截至现在的总数, 还有增加的可能;total和whole都指合计的结果的全体,total常指大的数量,whole也含有各部分总和的意味。quantity主要表示物质的量。


[' ɡrIɡət]

an amount of, a number of

这两个词都表示“数量”。其区别在于:前者表示“数”,与复数名词或代词连用; 而后者表示“量”,与不可数名词连用。例如:

A small number of people believe in ghosts.只有少数人相信有鬼。
A large amount of money was spent on books.一大笔钱花在了购买图书上。
amount to, add up to, come to, count up to, run into


1.从构成上说, add up to和count up to是动副介型短语; 而amount to, come to和run into是动介型短语。

2.从主语上说, add up to和come to相同,均多为钱、账单、数目等; amount to和run into的主语多为loss, cost, expense, debt, sum等名词; 而count up to的主语则仅限It。例如:

Our hotel bill added up to〔amounted to,came to〕 300 dollars.我们的旅馆费共计300美元。
His debts amounted to〔ran into〕 over 3000 dollars.他的债务已高达3000多美元。
It counts up to 300 dollars.共计300美元。

3.从宾语上说, add up to, amount to, come to后一般接数字; 而count up to和run into后除可接数字外,还可接名词。例如:

It counts up to a considerable sum.合计起来数目相当可观。
Losses run into six figures.损失高达6位数。

4.从使用场合上说, come to最通俗, count up to不常用。







用作名词 n.
动词+~approach the amount of接近…数目calculate the amount计算数量credit an amount to sb's account把一笔款记入某人的账户find the total amount算出总额fix the amount确定数量know a fair amount about对…了解很多pay the amount due付到期的款项reach a certain amount达到一定数量subscribe the same amount认捐同样的数额trim the amount削减金额figure out the exact amount算出确切的数额形容词+~aggregate amount总额ample amount富足的数量annual amounts年度金额any amount任何数量approved amount核准的数额approximate amount概算额average amount平均数量certain amount一定的数量considerable amount相当数量enormous amount巨大的数量exact amount确切的数量fixed amount固定金额full amount总数,总共的量generous amount大量huge amount巨额immense amount大量large amount大量like amount相同的量maximum amount最大数量,最高额minimum amount最低数量,最低额moderate amount适量net amount净数,净计outstanding amount未付款额paltry amount微不足道的数量same amount同样的数额small amount少量sufficient amount足够的数量surprising amount惊人的数量tremendous amount极大的数量介词+~above a certain amount超过一定数额beyond this amount超过这个数目in amount总之,总计in large amounts大量的more than £1000 in amount总额超过一千英镑salary of this amount这个数目的薪金to the amount of总计达~+介词a considerable amount of memory work大量的记忆工作a great amount of information大量资料a large amount of baggage一大堆行李a large amount of jobs大量的活儿a large amount of work大量的工作a moderate amount of traffic不算拥挤的交通a proper amount of exercise and sleep适量的运动和睡眠a small amount of thinner少量的稀释剂a vast amount of大量的a vast amount of Chinese products大量的中国产品an amount of相当的,适量的an amount of information一些信息an amount of money一笔钱an amount of time一段时间an astronomical amount of money一笔天文数字的巨款an immense amount of scattered data大量分散的资料the amount of debts负债总额the high amount of taxes高额税收the large amount of police cars大批警车amount in figures小写金额amount in words大写金额
用作名词n.any amount of

大量a large quantity of sth

no amount of

即使再多或再大也不( used for saying that sth will have no effect)

amount to v.+prep.

等于;相当于;意味着 be equal to or the same as sth; signify

amount to sthThe bill amounts to $500.这张账单共计500美元。
Our debts amount to over $1000.我们的负债总共超过了1000美元。
The loss from the flood amounts to ten million dollars.水灾造成的损失达1000万美元。
The total expenses amount to a thousand yuan .全部费用合计达1000元。
The four sums together amount to a lot of money.这四笔金额加在一起就是很多钱。
The number of books published this year amounts to over a million.今年出版的书籍达100万册以上。
His works published since 1956 amount to nearly four mill on words.自1956年以来,他发表的作品近400万字。
His earnings are said to amount to £300,000 per annum.据说他每年的酬金高达30万英镑。
I cannot afford the trip to New York,because the travelling expenses would amount to at least $3000 if I went.到纽约旅行我去不起,因为我如果去的话,这趟旅费至少也得要三千美元。
Their total grain output amounted to 5 million kilograms last year.去年他们的粮食总产量达500万公斤。
His income for that year amounted to£15,000.他那年的收入达15,000英镑。
The annual cost of income support to unmarried mothers amounted to £700 million in that year.该年对未婚母亲收入补助的全年花费总计达7亿英镑。
The oil company's net profits amounted to more than 1000 million dollars.这家石油公司每年的净利达10亿美元以上。The output of these small factories amounted to 70 percent of the province's total.这些小厂的产量占全省总产量的70%。amount to sth/v-ingHer reply amounts to a refusal.她的回答等于拒绝。
Two dates in nine years hardly amounts to an active social life.九年中有两次约会很难算是社交。
Such aids amount to economic aggression.这种援助其实是经济侵略。
Their actions amount to a breach of contract.他们的行为已属违反合同。
What it amounts to is simply that he is not willing to give us his support.那只是表明他不愿意支持我们。
Whether you go or she goes amounts to the same thing.不管你去还是她去都一样。
With his intelligence, he should amount to something when he grows up.凭他的智力,他长大后定成大器。
If he goes on like this,he'll never amount to anything.如果他一味这样下去,他将一事无成。
His words amounted to a threat.他的话实际上是威胁。
It amounted to no more than this.这件事不过如此而已。
The court decided that the company's actions amounted to unfair dismissal.法庭裁定公司的行为是不合理解雇。
He gave what amounted to an apology on behalf of his company.他代表公司算是作了一番道歉。
I don't quite make out what it's going to amount to.我不大明白,这究竟算得了什么呢?Borrowing money and not returning it amounts to stealing.借了钱不还就等于偷。
Keeping silent in this case amounts to supporting the speaker.在这种情况下保持沉默,就等于支持发言者。
Keeping what belongs to another amounts to stealing.把属于别人的东西据为己有,实际上就是偷窃。
Not punishing these hooligans amounts to condoning their behaviour.不惩处这些无赖就意味着宽恕他们的行为。
It amounts to saying that they have failed in their experiment.那等于说他们试验失败了。
To declare her innocent would amount to admitting his own fault.宣布她无罪等于承认他自己有错。not amount to much〔a great deal〕

不太重要,没什么了不起not be very impressive, important, etc.

近义词summasstotalmeasurequantityn. extent
用作名词n.What is the full amount I owe you?我总共欠你多少钱?
He could not pay the full amount he owed.他偿还不起他所欠的全部债款。
Just remember the amount and pay me back later.记住这个数目,以后还我好了。
Vitamins should be taken in small amounts .维生素应该小剂量地服用。
Your information is large in amount but poor in quality.你的资料量多质差。
Food was provided in varying amounts.食物的供应量变化不定。
The information is of much amount.这情报很重要。
I didn't expect the bill to come to this amount .我没料到账单达到这个金额。~+ prep. -phraseThe amount of your bill is $252.你的账单总额为美金252元。
The amount of this year's revenue is less than that of last year.今年国家的岁入比去年少。
The amount of lift increases with the speed of the aircraft.空运量随着飞机速度的增快而增加。
The amount of resistance he met astonished him.他遇到的阻力之大使他感到惊讶。
The amount of his remarks is that we are hopelessly beaten.他的话总的意思是我们彻底失败了。
This is the amount of what she said.这是她所说的要点。
We estimate, month by month, the amounts of cash that will be needed.我们月月估算所需的现金额。
You wouldn't believe the amount of trouble I've had with this car.你简直难以相信这辆车给我那么多的麻烦。
I was horrified by the amount of work I had to do.有那么多的工作要做,真把我吓坏了。
Now the amount of land irrigated is four times that of 10 years ago.现在农田的灌溉面积为10年前的4倍。
A great amount of money has received.一大笔款到了。
A great amount of our investments are in property.我们的大量资金投在房地产上。
I drank a large amount of tea.我喝了很多茶。
She was carrying a large amount of cash.她携带了大量的现金。
A million dollars is a large amount of money to me.100万美元对我来说是一笔巨款。
A large amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.每年要在烟草上花一大笔钱。
She spends a large amount of money on clothes every year.她每年花大量的钱买衣服。
He must often memorize large amounts of material.他必须经常熟记大量材料。
Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.几大笔款子用在了这座桥上。
We've received a great amount of information.我们收到了大量信息。
You should get the greatest possible amount of information.你应该搞到尽量多的情报。
Her case has attracted enormous amount of public sympathy.她的讼案已经引起了公众的巨大同情。
Each year the world spends an enormous amount of money on armaments.全世界每年都要在军备上花费大量金钱。
He paid regular amounts of money to a charity.他定期向一家慈善机构捐一定数额的钱。
Vast amounts of money are being invested in the local market.大量资金投放在当地市场上。
A fair amount of rain has fallen.下了一场大雨。
All tests contain a fair amount of unreliability.所有试验在很大程度上是不可靠的。
They didn't deliver the right amount of sand.他们送来的沙子的数量不对。
This requires an incalculable amount of patience.这需要极大的耐心。
Laser beams carry surprisingly intense amounts of energy.激光带有极强的能量。
The new tax caused a huge amount of public anger.这种新税引起了公众极大的怨愤。
I had a certain amount of difficulty finding the house.在找这房子时,我颇遇到一些困难。
She has put in a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure the success of the project.她投入了大量的时间和精力以保证工程完成。
We have common reserve fund to the amount of £5000.我们有总数达五千英镑的公积金。
In the fire,property was destroyed to the amount of $10,000.在那场火灾中,总共损失财产一万美元。
He supported the tobacco company last year to the amount of £40,000.他去年资助该烟草公司数额达四万英镑。
There is a large amount of work for us to do.大量的工作等待我们去做。
There were large amounts of tourists on the ferry.渡船上有大量的旅游者。
There's only a small amount of food.食物只剩下一点。
There was a small amount of sugar in the bowl.碗里有少量的糖。
We have already heard about it so your information is of little amount to us.我们已经知道了,所以你的消息对我们没有什么价值。

amount 用于表示“量”“额”,如重量、金额等。

amount of后一般接不可数名词,有时也可接复数可数名词,此名词被视为某一“总量”或“综述”。

短语 in the amount of 总共为可以 of 或 for 代之;to the amount 总共达可以 to 代之。但如接款项数字大的总数,一般用 in〔to〕 the amount of。




amount后可接介词to。The expenses amount to ¥50.


That amounts to saying that he is a genius.saying不可改成say。

做名词时,只能用在不可数名词,如能说a large amount of literature,不能说a large amount of books。

用作名词A petrol gauge shows theamountof petrol left in a car.汽油表指示出汽车里所剩的汽油数量。
He has a largeamountof mail to answer every day.他每天有大量的信件要回复。
Remember to tell the guest theamountof the bill.记得告诉客人帐单的总额。
We charge one percent commission on the totalamount.我们收取支票总额的1%作为手续费。用作不及物动词The total cost of repairsamountedto 100 dollars.修理费用总计一百美元。
The number of the injuredamountedto over one hundred.受伤人数总计一百多。
Her answeramountedto a complete refusal.她的答复等于是完全拒绝。
Thisamountsto doing the whole thing over again.这就等于要把整个事情重做一遍。noun.quantity
同义词 bulk,chunk,extent,load,lot,measure,number,supply,ton,volumebags,bundle,expanse,flock,gob,heap,hunk,jillion,magnitude,mass,mess,mint,oodles,pack,passel,peck,pile,scads,score,slat,slew,whopperaplenty,
同义词 product,outlay,extent,price tag,sum,budget,damage,cost,lot,output,expensebody,addition,list,quantum,entirety,score,tab,aggregate,net,wholeall,bad newsset-backtidy sumnoun.whole effect
同义词 import,burden,result,valuebody,core,substance,purport,sense,matter,significance,thrust,upshotfull valueverb.equal, add up to
同义词 approximate,extend,purport,rival,sum,tally,reach,number,effect,touch,aggregate,become,correspond,total,approach,grow,match,meanbe equivalent to,be tantamount to,check with,come to,develop into It also smuggled large amounts of marijuana from Thailand and Holland into Taiwan.
同时,他们还从泰国、荷兰走私大量的大麻到台湾境内。 putclub

The data scalability of the system, showing how response times vary under an average transaction and user mix, but with varying amounts of data in storage.
系统的可量测性,显示了平均事务处理和用户混合情况下应答次数的变化,但是数据的存储总量是变化的。 ibm

The mine's remote South Gobi location requires considerable amounts of power and water, not to mention an airport.
矿山位于遥远的南戈壁滩,这个位置需要数量可观的电力和水量,尚未提及机场。 yeeyan

The shape of this line between night and day varies with the seasons, which means different lengths of days and differing amounts of warming sunshine.
这条黑夜与白天分界线的形状随着季节的变化面变化,它代表着不同的白天时间长度和不同的阳光照射量。 yeeyan

Then they sell the bottled water within their communities for small amounts of money.
然后,他们在社区中出售这些瓶装水换取少量的金钱。 hjenglish

All the tendencies are for us to lose, and have greater and greater amounts of our liberty usurped by government.
对我们来说所有可能性都将丧失,我们的大量自由将越来越多地让政府篡夺。 yeeyan

Because I anticipate missing decimal points in amounts for this vendor and method, the script inserts them if necessary.
由于我预想到此商家会遗漏金额的小数点和方法,因此脚本在需要的时候插入了它们。 ibm

Beware, however, you cannot eat these sets because of the excessive amounts of glue and pins needed to put them together.
不管怎样,当心你不能吃这些东西,因为他们都是用大量的胶水粘合固定在一起的。 yeeyan

Both are linked to heart disease, so you should aim for smaller amounts.
两者都与心脏疾病有关,所以你应该力求食用较少的数量。 yeeyan

In this case, you have two possibilities: retrieve the data in batch amounts for processing locally, or perform the processing on the remote platform.
在此情况下,您有两种可能的选择:批量检索数据以便在本地处理,或者在远程平台上执行处理。 ibm

It is produced from radium in the decay chain of uranium, an element found in varying amounts in all rocks and soil.
它产生于铀衰变链中的镭,而铀是所有岩石和土壤中都能找到的一种元素,含量各不相同。 who

Many types of low-carb diets exist, each with varying restrictions on the types and amounts of carbohydrates you can eat.
有许多种低碳水化合物食谱,每一种都对你可以吃的碳水化合物的量和种类有不同的要求。 yeeyan

Not only do you need the energy, but most people get significant amounts of calcium at breakfast.

Our applications take in massive amounts of information and crunch it with the power of the microprocessor.
我们的应用程序将接收大量信息并使用微处理器的能力来处理这些信息。 ibm

Soil naturally contains harmless amounts of lead, along with other metals.
土壤中天然含有数量无害的铅和其他金属元素。 kekenet

That's because ploughing ancient grassland would release substantial amounts of carbon from the soil.
那是因为耕种古老的草地将从土壤里释放出数量相当可观的碳。 yeeyan

There are tiny amounts of uranium residue in coal; those trace residuals have more energy potential than all the coal itself.
煤炭中有微量的铀残留物;而这些微量残留所蕴含的能量比所有的煤炭本身还要多。 yeeyan

This will help them learn to eat only smaller amounts as their digestion system develops.
这会帮助它们在消化系统发育的过程中,学会只吃少量的食物。 hjenglish

What was relevant was different amounts of time each task required.
相关的内容是每个任务所需的不同时间量。 ibm

When a purchase is complete, an order is sent to the supplier with the types and amounts of products that the buyer requested.
当一次购买完成后,一份带有买方要求的产品类型和数量的订单就被发送到供应商。 ibm




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