

单词 Gramineae
释义 gra·min·e·ae 英ɡrə'minii:美ɡrə'minii: BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺

the grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals; bamboo; reeds; sugar cane近义词 Graminaceae禾本科Poaceae植禾本科grass family禾本科植物
The total number of family and genera increased gradually as succession proceeded, andGramineaewere dominant species at all time.在科属总数上,科属数随演替逐渐增加,其中,禾本科植物始终处于优势种地位。
By means of collecting, and investigatingGramineaein Pamirs Plateau of China, we studied floristic characteristics ofGramineaein this area.摘要在整理鉴定中国帕米尔高原禾本科植物标本的基础上,对该区禾本科植物区系特点进行了研究。 A new recorded genus of Gramineae from China.
标题中国禾本科植物一新分布属。 www.cvh.org.cn

In the fields of tobacco- rice crop rotation, malignant herbs are annual or biennial gramineae, polygonaceae, etc.
烟-稻轮作烟地主要是一年生和二年生杂草危害,禾本科、石竹科、蓼科为主要恶性杂草; cnki

The cellulization of endosperm in Gramineae was summarized and compared.
文章还对禾本科植物胚乳的细胞化作了比较和总结。 cnki

The families including the most weed species were Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Compositae, Scrophulariaceae, Alismataceae and Lythraceae.
其中,杂草种类较多的科依次为禾本科、莎草科、菊科、玄参科、泽泻科、千屈菜科等。 ricesci

The species of Gramineae, Compositae, and other perennial herbaceous plants increased gradually with time, and played important roles in maintaining community function.
随时间加长,禾本科、菊科等多年生草本植物逐渐增多,在群落功能维持中占据重要地位; d.wanfangdata.com.cn

The tests provided a basis for selecting cultivation mode, increasing production and raising economic returns of Gramineae grasses in Shenyang region.
为沈阳地区选择禾本科牧草栽培模式,增加牧草产量,提高经济效益提供了依据。 www.cnak.net.cn

The basic types of the seedling of the Chinese Gramineae in relation to systematics.
标题我国主要禾本科植物幼苗发育基本类型与系统分类。 www.cvh.org.cn

The basic types of flowers of Chinese Gramineae and their systematic relevance.
标题中国主要禾本科植物花的基本类型与系统分类。 www.cvh.org.cn

The characteristics of antifungal constituents in the families of Gramineae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae, Compositae and Cruciferae were emphasized.
侧重介绍了禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、菊科和十字花科植物中抗病原真菌的活性物质的特点。 iciba

The major types of caryopses of the Chinese Gramineae in relation to systematics.
中国主要禾本科植物颍果形态的基本类型与系统分类。 www.cvh.org.cn

The most important foodstuff crops in the world concentrate in the grass family Gramineae, such as wheat, corn and rice.
世界最主要的粮食作物都集中在禾本科作物上,如小麦,玉米和水稻。 cnki

The new taxa of Gramineae from China.
标题中国禾本科的新分类群。 www.cvh.org.cn

The percentages of Gramineae are less than10% in surface pollen assemblages even in areas where Gramineae is the constructive or dominant species in plant communities.
即使以禾本科为建群种的草原群落,禾本科花粉所占比例也多低于10 %。 cnki

“ Brittle culm” mutants found in Gramineae crops are suitable materials to study the mechanism of secondary cell wall formation.
禾本科作物的脆秆突变体是研究次生细胞壁形成的合适的材料。 ricedata

After investigation, Lishui city pooled forestry harmful plant13 branches with39 species, including:8 species of family Gramineae;
经调查,丽水市共有林业有害植物13科39种,其中禾本科8种; cnki

Cereal grain plant of the family Poaceae or Gramineae, probably native to Africa, and its edible starchy seeds.
禾本科谷物类作物及其可食的含淀粉种子。可能原产于非洲。 chinafanyi.com

Cereal plant of the genus Hordeum, in the family Poaceae or Gramineae, and its edible grain.
早熟禾科即禾本科大麦属谷类植物,以及其可食的谷粒。 tdict

Edible shoots mainly include bamboo shoot Gramineae, asparagus Asteraceae, rattan shoot Palmae, lettuce Liliaceaeand so on.
食用笋包括禾本科竹笋、菊科莴笋、棕榈科藤笋、百合科芦笋等。 spgykj

Friends of the South Expressway Slope Plant Communities existing plants of35 families in76 genera and80 species, mainly in the Compositae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Euphorbiaceae plants up.
南友高速公路边坡植物群落现有植物35科76属80种,主要以菊科、禾本科、豆科、大戟科植物种类最多。 dict.chla.com.cn

Leguminous plant communities had higher species richness than the control of L. chinensis. More than60% is made up of Gramineae, Compositae and Leguminosae species.
豆科植物群落比对照的羊草群落有高的物种丰富度,禾本科、菊科和豆科物种占的比例在60%以上。 fabiao

Meanwhile, the result showed some similarity and difference on flavonoid composition among caespitose bamboos, scattered bamboos and other species in the Gramineae.
同时也表明丛生竹在黄酮成分上与散生竹及其它禾本科种类的区别与某些一致性。 cnki

The result shows: pollen development of millet has a similar process with most of the other Gramineae.
结果表明,花粉粒的发育过程和大多数禾本科作物相类似。 cnki

The results showed that grazing restrained the growth of annual gramineae weeds and perennial gramineae grass, but accelerated the growth of white clover and noxious plants.
结果表明,放牧能明显抑制一年生禾本科杂草及播种多年生禾本科牧草的生长,但对白三叶和草地有害植物的生长都有促进作用。 cnki

The low Gramineae pollen value may relate with its tillering reproduction.
禾本科花粉的低代表性可能与其分蘖繁殖、花粉产量低有关。 cnki

The study and exploitation on gramineae forage is essential to ecological construction and the development of stock raising in Western China.
牧草的研究和开发在我国西部生态建设和草地畜牧业发展等方面具有十分重要的意义。 cnki

There are42 families,138 genus and215 species of the grassland plants, composed mainly of the Gramineae, Compositae, Leguminosae, Chenopodiaceae, Cyperaceae and Rosacea.
有天然牧草42科,138属,215种,主要是禾本科、菊科、豆科、藜科、莎草科和蔷薇科的种。 cnki




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