释义 |
gramas 基本例句 格拉马 Hospital with grampa, uncle, ma, pa,grama…im worried kinda 心情: upset 星期三。 Blue Grama grass seed can also be planted in the spring.蓝色格兰马草也可以在春季种植。 The Vedicgramacould have a pur, or a fort-like structure within it.吠陀的加玛会咕噜咕噜地叫,或者有城堡般的建筑在里面。 Blue Grama grass is used as pasturage and lawns and mixed with the other native grass such as Buffalo grass for ground covers.蓝色格兰马草可以与其他的草种混合,比如野牛草。他们可以一起作为牧场和草坪草地的地被植物。 |