

单词 grab for
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A grab for money might also have been taken as a sign of weak commitment to budgetary discipline.
然而,政府的过量筹钱也可能会被解读为其对预算无力做出承诺。 ecocn

Store leftovers in smaller, individually sized containers, making them more convenient to grab for a quick meal rather than being passed over and eventually wasted.
将剩余的食物存放在单个的小的容器里,让它们方便快速取出并食用,而不是忽略它们最终导致浪费。 yeeyan

He made a grab for the ball before it landed.
争抢球时他绊了一下,摔倒了。 nciku

In the grab for a share of Libya’s oil wealth, many others have been stained.
为了分得利比亚石油财富的一杯羹,其他很多方面都受到了牵连。 ecocn

Not only is it a great way to build your own color schemes, it’s an outstanding source to find schemes built by others that you can just grab for your projects.
这不仅是个建立自己配色方案的好办法,还是借鉴他人配色方案以作已用的绝佳来源。 yeeyan




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