释义 |
Govi 基本例句 戈维¹⁰⁰ A native of Germany,Govispent eight years living in India.他是土生土长的德国人,但在印度生活了八年之久。 Judging from the accolades, fans are being taken to new heights of their own byGovi's uplifting melodies.从乐迷的掌声中,我们知道高菲高昂的旋律已把听众带入一个新的境界和高度。 Currently living in Hawaii,Govicontends that the overwhelming response he has received from listeners worldwide is heartening and keeps him going.高菲目前居住在夏威夷,他坦承,世界各地乐迷的回应给了他极大的鼓舞和继续创作的信心。 |