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government house ˈɡʌvnmənthaʊs 短语⁶³⁵¹⁵ 基本例句 政府办公房屋 Flag Lowering Ceremony of Government House, Hong Kong,30-6-1997 The marching music is Last Post& Highland Cathedral. 香港总督府港督府降旗仪式,1997年6月30日演奏曲目为「最后岗位」及「高地大教堂」。 nightfling The red flag of China flutters over Government House, Lord Patten's former home, and government offices are adorned with China's state insignia. 中国的红旗飘扬在礼宾府上空,这里曾经是彭定康的住所,政府办公室也挂有中国国徽。 ecocn Anti- government protesters vowed to stay at Government House and stop Somchai from taking office after the election. 反政府示威者在颂猜当选后表示,还将继续占领总理府,阻止颂猜就任。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Before the order was filled and delivered, a bail was planned at Mauritius's Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. 命令传达之前,毛里求斯市政厅计划举行一个舞会,需要邮票发出邀请函。 www.hozoo.com.cn Democrats immediately reacted with anger, staging a walkout during a meeting with visiting Standing Committee deputy secretary-general Qiao Xiaoyang at Government House last night. 民主派实时感到愤怒,昨晚于礼宾府会见人大常委会副秘书长乔晓阳时愤然中途离席抗议。 scientrans To mark the closing of the Year of Heritage, a closing ceremony and dinner took place at Government House on December19. 为庆祝文物年计划圆满结束,当局于十二月十九日在前总督府举行闭幕典礼和晚宴。 iciba |