释义 |
government as the leading role 基本例句 政府主导 In reality, China's banking system is staggering forward toward its next crisis and recapitalization by the government.实际上,中国的银行体系正摇摇摆摆地走向其下一次危机,及政府主导的又一次资本重组。 Before China's reforming and opening-up, the government reduced the regional development gap subjectively with a balanced development strategy at the cost of some region's benefit.在政府主导时期,虽然均衡发展战略没有带来过大的区域差距,但发展中存在为某些区域发展而牺牲另一些区域利益的情形,区域发展不协调带有很强的主观色彩。 |