

单词 gourmet powder
释义 gourmet powder 'ɡʊəmeɪ 短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
Monosodium glutamateMSG is a compound which intensifies the flavor of foods, and is the Primary component of gourmet powder.
谷氨酸一钠是一种增强食物风味鲜味的物质,是味精的主要成分。 chemyq

The effects of different influent modes on treating result of SBR process were studied through treating brewery wastewater and gourmet powder wastewater by SBR process.
采用SBR法处理啤酒废水和味精废水,研究了不同进水方式对 SBR法处理效果的影响。 chemyq

The machine is suitable for the packing of non- stick, bulk of granular medicines, foodstuffs and chemicals such as drink materials, medicinal pills, tea plant seeds and gourmet powder etc.
适用于医药、食品、化工等行业松散状无粘性颗粒物品的包装。如:冲剂、茶叶、植物种子、味精等。 www.bzjx.com.cn

The monosodium glutamate consistence in solution must be controlled under given extent in-line gourmet powder refining.
味精精制过程中的谷氨酸钠溶液浓度需控制在一定的范围。 cnki

Method:1. Cut the shark's skin into slices of4cm long and 1.5cm wide. placing in a plate and spreading salt, gourmet powder, rice wine and broth, steam well.
制作方法:1、将鱼皮切成约四公分长、一公分半宽的块,摆在盘内,散上盐、味精,浇上南酒、高汤,入笼蒸烂。 blog.sina.com.cn

Methods Cane sugar, glucose and lactose were added respectively into the gourmet powder;
方法在味精中分别加入蔗糖、葡萄糖、乳糖; cnki

Products such as methane chloride, gourmet powder, sorbierite, rutile, freon and benzene series were mostly produced in the east plant compound.

RESULTS It was found that parched Pangolin scales were adulterated with salt, mirabilite. alum, sodium benzoate, and gourmet powder by lawless pedlars in order to increase medicine weight.
结果目前发现不法商贩把食盐、芒硝、明矾、苯甲酸钠、味精掺入炮穿山甲内,以增加重量。 cnki

She flavoured the soup with gourmet powder.
她往汤里加味精调味。 tingroom

Would you please pass me the gourmet powder?
请把味精递给我一下好吗? blog.sina.com.cn

This paper presents the anaerobic treatment of gourmet powder wastewater by using HYAN facilities provided by Canadian Gore and Storrie Limited.
本文介绍了用加拿大高环保工程顾问公司提供的 HYAN装置,进行味精废水厌氧处理的情况。 cnki




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