

单词 gossipers
释义 gossipers ˈɡɑːsəpərz COCA¹⁵⁴⁹⁵⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.爱闲聊的人;搬弄是非者原型gossiper的复数 The condemnatory tone of many postings has prompted some commentators to turn on the gossipers.
很多谴责语调的帖子引起一些评论员转向绯闻。 yeeyan

The gossipers really are a bunch of old fogies!

“ We're all gossipers, ” said Judith Martin, a ka Miss Manners.
朱迪思·马丁说:我们都是喜欢漫谈的人。 yeeyan

After criticizing other people, gossipers’ positive emotions were reduced by 16 percent and negative emotions increased34 percent.
在批评其他人之后,八卦者的积极情绪减少了16%且消极情绪增加了34%。 yeeyan

Don't believe anything through the grapevine. There will plus much more gossipers.
不要听任何小道音信,现在传闲话的人越来越多了。 bocaitongy

One study of gossip showed that gossipers were concerned about women who are bad housekeepers, and women who are bad mothers, and women who are promiscuous.
一项关于说闲话的研究表明,那些好说闲话的人总是关注那些糟糕的家庭主妇,不负责的母亲,以及私生活混乱的女性。 huanqiu

Paul adds that the younger widows may also be tempted to become lazy gossipers who sinfully interfere in people's lives.
保罗补充说,年轻寡妇也可能受诱惑而变得懒惰,说长道短,好管闲事。 gbicp.org




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