gorerBNC⁷⁴²⁰⁰ 基本例句 名戈洛 IN THE early1950s a sociologist called Geoffrey Gorer set out to solve the mystery of England's“ character”. 上世纪50年代初期,一位名叫弗瑞•格勒的社会学家着手研究英国人的性格究竟有何奥秘。 ecocn Gorer found little belief in the “ innate goodness of children”:1950s parenting could be summed up by the motto“See what Johnny is doing and tell him to stop it.” 格勒发现几乎没几个人相信‘人之初性本善’,上世纪50年代,英国的家教用一条格言概括就是“某某干什么呢,赶紧制止他”。 ecocn