

单词 among which
释义 among which短语⁶²⁴⁶³
In the past century, there were about40 earthquakes measuring7 or above on the Richter scale, among which9 took place in China and cost nearly600,000 lives, 53% of the world’s total.
近百年来,全球共发生里氏7级以上地震40余起,其中中国就发生9起,死亡近60万人,占全球地震死亡人数的53%。 putclub

The historical record demonstrates how Chinese institutions came to be emulated by other nations, in large part through the artifacts of civilization, chief among which were books.
历史文献显示,中国的制度如何被其他国家所仿效,在很大程度上是通过器物进行的,而其中最主要的就是书籍。 danganj

The pie chart concerning fees consists of six sections, among which advertisement fees account for53%.
有关费用饼状图由六个部分组成,其中广告费占53%。 hxen

The world of the geisha has remained broadly impenetrable to foreigners, generating a slew of misconceptions, chief among which is that their role is one premised on sex.
外国人仍大体难以理解艺伎的世界,因此造成了许多误解,其中最主要的误解就是认为艺伎的角色等同于妓女。 voa365

Earlier tenants had left behind a miscellany of items, among which we discovered a trivia game called Alaska Wild Card.
以前的住客们留下了各种各样的东西,我们找到了一种叫“阿拉斯加荒原”的小游戏纸牌。 yeeyan

Many countries have issued suits stamps of the Great Wall, among which China issued near200 stamps.
许多国家已经发行了多套长城邮票,其中中国发行了200多张。 yeeyan

Many kinds of animals live in that area, including16 kinds of mammals, among which4 kinds of subspecies are unique to the island.
该区动物多种多样,有16种哺乳动物,4个亚种是此地特有的。 ecocn

Moreover, China and Pakistan recently have been staging joint anti-terrorism military exercise, among which many Pakistani soldiers used to participate in operations against al- Qaeda.
另外,最近中巴正在举行联合反恐军演,其中很多巴基斯坦军人都参与过打击“基地”组织的行动。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The past four prime ministers hailed from wealthy political dynasties, among which the premiership was almost a filial rite of passage.
过去的四位首相都来自在富裕的政治世家,担任首相可以说只是他们对家族尽孝的一种仪式。 yeeyan

The College Town covers an area of306 hectares, among which240 hectares are used for various kinds of teaching facilities and classrooms and the rest are for dormitories, canteens and shops.
该大学城占地306公顷,其中240公顷用于教室等各类教学设施,其他用于寝室,食堂和商店。 kekenet

There are great differences in vocabulary between dialects and Putonghua and among dialects, among which is the difference in word formation.
方言之间或方言与普通话之间在词汇上存在着很大差异,其中一个重要表现就是构词差异。 cnki

Among which, latent potentialities for increasing production of potato was the largest, and water was the restrict factor to the potato.
其中,三个旗市的马铃薯增产潜力最大,水分对于马铃薯是重要的限制因子; cnki

Among which, primary industry grew by 3.5%, secondary industry10.8% and tertiary industry8.2%.
其中,第一产业增长3.5%,第二产业增长10.8%,第三产业增长8.2%。 ebigear




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