

单词 goran
释义 go·ran 英gə'rɑːn美gə'rɑːn 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
A Goran supporter, parliament member Sirwan Zahawi, said his bloc“ could win up to35 seats” in the111 seat Kurdish parliament.
反对派支持者议会议员泽哈维说,他的集团可能在库尔德议会111个席位中“赢得多达35个席位”。 tingvoa

In Kurdistan the reformists of Goran, which did well in regional elections a year ago, failed to make headway.
库尔德改革派政党戈兰在去年的地方选举中取得的不错的成绩,但这次也未能更进一步。 ecocn

The Serbian authorities arrested Goran Hadzic, wanted for alleged atrocities committed in Croatia during the Yugoslav conflict in the early1990s.
塞尔维亚当局日前逮捕了戈兰·哈季奇,要其对发生在20世纪90年代早期南斯拉夫冲突中对发生在克罗地亚的暴行接受审判。 ecocn

When they had finished erecting the marquees, Goran was planning on transporting some home-grown tomatoes back to the capital in his van.
等大棚盖完以后,格兰打算用自己的面包车把家里种的土豆运到首都来卖。 yeeyan

All the talk at Lazio in recent times has revolved around the goals scored by Goran Pandev and Mauro Zarate, as well as the imminent return of captain Tomasso Rocchi from injury.
最近几乎所有的讨论都是围绕着戈兰潘德夫和毛罗萨拉特的进球,以及即将从伤病中恢复的队长罗基。 laziofly

Amongst them was Goran, an Australian, who had moved to Serbia more than a decade ago, and had now built himself a house in the countryside.
其中有一位澳大利亚人格兰,他十多年前移居到塞尔维亚,现在已经在乡下为自己盖了一所房子。 yeeyan

Arsenal and Chelsea are keeping tabs on Lazio forward Goran Pandev.
阿森纳和切尔西正在密切关注着拉齐奥的前锋潘德夫。 iciba

AS IRAQ’S Kurds prepare to vote on July25th for a regional assembly and a president, the buzzword is Goran, meaning change.
随着伊拉克库尔德人为7月25号的地区集会及总统竞选做的准备,他们发出的口号是“ Goran”,即改造。 ecocn

But he is now90 minutes away from leaving the job more ignominiously than Sven- Goran Eriksson, whose teams reached two World Cup quarter- finals.
但是现在卡佩罗离丢掉工作却只差90分钟了,这简直比带队两进世界杯八强的埃里克森当初离职时还要耻辱。 yeeyan

But, at LazioSven Goran Eriksson brought in many of his Samp players and we set up a fantastic group that travelled all over with the intent to always win.
但是在拉齐奥,埃里克松从桑普多利亚带来了他的许多老部下,而且我们组成了一支梦幻之师,几乎取得了所有荣誉。 laziofly

Despite group draws against Sweden and Nigeria, England progressed to the second round where Sven- Goran Eriksson's team completed a comfortable3-0 victory over Denmark.
尽管在小组赛还战平了瑞典和尼日利亚,英格兰依然晋级第二轮,埃里克森的球队轻松3-0大胜丹麦。 yeeyan

Former England manager Sven- Goran Eriksson see photo has rejected an invitation to try to lead the DPRK into next summer's World Cup finals in South Africa, the Times reported.
据《泰晤士报》报道,日前,前英格兰国家队主教练埃里克森见图拒绝了率朝鲜男足征战南非世界杯的邀请。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Frank Lampard believes Sven- Goran Eriksson made a mistake in not taking Jermain Defoe to the World Cup.
兰帕德认为瑞典人犯了一个错误就是没有把迪福带去世界杯。 iciba

He has been in outstanding form with the Blues and will be an automatic choice for Sven Goran Eriksson when the tournament kicks off in June.
由于他在蓝军比赛中显示了优异的状态,因此当世界杯六月打响时自然会成为斯万格伦-艾里克森的首选球员。 qieerxi

Italian Fabio Capello is contracted to be England coach until2012 and is the FA's second overseas appointment after Swede Sven- Goran Eriksson.
意大利人卡佩罗的合同将至2012年,他也是继瑞典人埃里克森后第二位海外教练。 yeeyan

Lazio star Goran Pandev has labelled Inter as the strongest team in Europe and confesses that his side face a difficult match on Wednesday.
拉齐奥球星戈兰·潘德夫认为国际米兰是欧洲最强的队伍,并承认自己的球队将在周三面临严峻考验。 laziofly

Montenegro won candidate status last December; Serbia hopes to follow this Decemberits chances were boosted on July20th with the arrest of Goran Hadzic, a war- crimes suspect.
去年12月,黑山赢得了候选身份。塞尔维亚希望在今年12月紧随其后塞尔维亚在7月20日逮捕战犯戈兰•哈季奇后几率大增。 ecocn

Sol Campbell has told England Head Coach Sven- Goran Eriksson he is fit and raring to go ahead of the World Cup.
索尔-坎贝尔告诉英格兰主帅埃里克森他的身体已经恢复,并正在为世界杯而进行训练。 iciba

Sven Goran Eriksson said “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure, ” and because we fear failing, we procrastinate.
埃克森说:“成功最大的障碍就是对失败的恐惧。”因为我们害怕失败,所以,我们犹豫。 yeeyan

Sven- Goran Eriksson has withdrawn from negotiations to join North Korea's technical staff as a consultant for next summer's World Cup.
埃里克森已经退出了与朝鲜的谈判,本来这次谈判旨在让他作为顾问加入朝鲜的教练团队参与明年的世界杯赛事。 yeeyan

The first is Alex Goran Vera Farmiga, a fellow businesswoman who also logs countless miles in the air.
第一个女人是阿里克斯·格伦薇拉·法米嘉饰,她是一位商务女性,整天也是坐着飞机飞来飞去。 yeeyan

With his thin-rimmed specs and high forehead the stern-faced Takeshi Okada could almost be an unsmiling Japanese Sven- Goran Eriksson.
带着薄边眼睛,高额头、严肃的冈田武史可能是几乎不会笑的日本埃里克森。 yeeyan

Goran, himself, had grown up on the wrong side of the tracks in Sydney, had come to his parents' homeland of Serbia to do his military service and then been caught up in the Civil War.
格兰本人在悉尼的贫民区长大,到他父母在塞尔维亚的家乡来服兵役,然后就碰上了内战。 yeeyan

Goran Lindblad, a Swedish politician who helped to draft the text, says the aim was not to downgrade the Holocaust but to“ upgrade” Soviet misdeeds.
Goran Lindblad,帮助起草文书的瑞典政治家,说这次宣言的目的不是要降级大屠杀,而是要“升级”苏联的劣迹。 ecocn




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