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词汇 González
释义 GonzálezEconomist¹¹⁷⁰⁵
It trundled through the darkness to just outside San Antonio, where the driver, Luis González, stopped for a rest.
司机路易斯.冈萨雷斯在黑暗中到达圣安东尼奥城外时停下来休息。 ecocn

Luis González, the prosecutor who is overseeing the process, says that those demanding justice will have to be more flexible, otherwise the whole effort will fall apart.
监督该议程施行的检察官路易斯•冈萨雷斯称,我们不得将那些苛刻的司法条例变得更为灵活,否则我们将前功尽弃。 ecocn

Mr González, who has earned the nickname of“Mr No”, was taken aback recently when Santander tapped the market for7.2 billion euro days after denying the need to bolster its levels of capital.
绰号“不先生”的冈萨雷斯最近也被雷到:几天前,桑坦德自称不需要提高资本水平,而且没几天就发行价值72亿欧元的新股。 ecocn

Not since Felipe González's Socialists swept to victory in1982 has a Spanish leader been handed as big a mandate for change.
在1982年菲利普•冈萨雷斯的社会党大获全胜之前,西班牙的历任总统就都受命于改革。 ecocn

The fortnightly shopping for his family“ used to cost100 bolívares and now costs300$140,” according to Mr González.
据 González先生说,他家里每两周一次的购物活动“过去需要花费100玻利瓦尔而现在需要300玻利瓦尔140美元”。

“ Stand for four or five hours in a queue, so the country can stay the same?” says Mr González, the mechanic.
在队伍中站上四或五个小时,这个国家就会保持不变? ecocn

“The bank of the future will be a distribution- services company,” predicts Mr González.
“未来的银行将是分散型的服务性公司。” González这样预测道。 ecocn

Beatriz González, who runs Rojo Bistro, a busy French restaurant in Mexico City, confirms that online filing has made her life far easier.
Beatriz González在墨西哥城经营一间忙碌的法国餐馆 Rojo Bistro,她也表示有了网上报税,生活轻松多了。 ecocn

But Mr González is right: the banks are increasingly different.
但是冈萨雷斯先生说得不错:两家银行日渐迥异。 ecocn

Francisco González, chairman of BBVA, says he does not run a bank but“an industrial financial company”.
Francisco González— BBVA的总裁就感叹道,他并不是在运营一家银行,而是在经营一家“产业化的金融公司”。 ecocn

General Ernesto González, the armed forces chief, had pledged his support for democracy even though he asked that the law be modified.
叛军首领 Ernesto González将军,尽管要求修改那条名师法令,但仍然坚守其对民主的支持。 ecocn

His PP and Socialist predecessors as prime minister, respectively José María Aznar and Felipe González, both won absolute majorities in their second terms.
萨帕特罗先生的前任—人民党首相何塞•玛丽亚•阿斯纳尔以及社会党首相菲利普•冈萨雷斯均已绝对的优势赢得连任。 ecocn

Samuel González of ITAM, a university in Mexico City, says the measures won't help: “It is a problem of corruption, not of a lack of legal powers.”
墨西哥 ITAM大学的 Samuel González称这些措施毫无用处:“应当关注腐败问题,而不是法权缺失。” ecocn

Santander says a market regulator forced it to make the disclosure, but Mr González was unimpressed.
桑坦德称一家市场监管机构迫使他们作此曝光,但是冈萨雷斯却不为所动。 ecocn

The first AVE line did not connect Madrid to busy Barcelona but to sleepy Seville, the home town of the then prime minister, Felipe González.
第一条 AVE线路并没有从马德里延伸至繁华的巴塞罗那,而是寂静之城塞维利亚时任首相的飞利浦•冈萨雷斯的老家。 ecocn




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