

单词 gong
释义 gong 英gɔːŋ, gɒŋ美gɔŋ, gɑŋAHDgông, gŏng ★☆☆☆☆高四GT宝八COCA²⁰⁵¹³BNC³¹⁷⁸⁰iWeb¹⁸⁶⁵⁹
n.¹⁰⁰; 奖章复数gongs过去分词gonged现在分词gonging三单gongs

a percussion instrument consisting of a metal plate that is struck with a softheaded drumsticka percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as an orchestral instrument
sound a gong来自马来语,模仿敲锣发出的声音。gong metal医 锣合金gong buoy号角浮标boat gong信号锣electric gong电警钟alarm gong警锣fog gong雾锣
GRE红宝书象声:咣,打锣的声音;发音记忆弓 ⇒用弓打锣近义词 bell钟chime鸣medal奖章award奖品honor荣誉title标题honour荣誉tam-tam铜锣decoration装饰distinction荣誉chimes动词chime的第三人称…

用作名词At six thegongsounded for supper.6点时,吃晚饭的锣声响了。
Then I want to learn how to strike thegong.那我就学锣吧。
In the mid-day thegongsounds at the palace gate.中午,锣声在庙殿门前敲起。noun.tocsin
同义词 alarm,bell,carillon,chime,cymbal,signal
alarmnoun warning, signaling device
Mayday,SOS,alert,bell,blast,buzzer,call,caution,clock,cry,drum,flap,flash,forewarning,high sign,horn,nod,scramble,scream,shout,sign,signal,siren,squeal,tip,tip off,tocsin,trumpet,warning,whistle,wink,yell
bellnoun signaling object or sound
buzzernoun siren
alarm,bell,dinger,emergency signal,gong,signal,warning
carillonnoun set of bells
angelus,chimes,glockenspiel,gong,lyra,peal,tintinnabulation,tocsin The farm was ringing with the sound of the iron gong and they could see the laborers pouring out of their huts, pointing at the hills and shouting excitedly.

“ With the use of fire and grindstones, large amounts of cereals were consumed and transformed into staple foods, ” lead author Yiwen Gong and his team wrote in the paper.
“古人使用磨石取火,用了大量谷物制作成常食用的食物。” 作为发起人的龚易文和他的团队在文章中写道。 yeeyan

“What is the big brass gong and hammer for?” one of his friends asked.
“那个大铜锣和锤子是干什么用的?”他的一个朋友问他。 hxen

An ad attacking Pat Toomey, the Republican candidate for the Senate in Pennsylvania, chides him for praising Chinese growth, while a gong booms like the knell of doom.
一则竞选广告对宾夕法尼亚州共和党参议员候选人派特•图梅展开攻击,指责他赞赏中国的发展,而广告中的一阵锣鸣犹如响起的丧钟。 ecocn

Chinese actress Yu Nan is one of the jury members of this year's festival, and becomes the 2nd Chinese actress ever been given this honor following Gong Li.
此外,中国女演员余男在今年柏林电影节担任评委,是继巩俐之后第2位担任柏林电影节评委的华人女演员。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

He beats the gong twice.

He struck the gong to announce his presence, bowed respectfully three times outside the door, and went to sit before the master in respectful silence.
他鸣锣通报自己的到来,恭恭敬敬在门口鞠了三个躬,然后静静在师傅面前坐了下来,恭敬如仪。 yeeyan

Zhang also brought the actress Gong Li to prominence, casting her in starring roles in six of his films.
同时,张艺谋也捧红了巩俐,在他的六部电影中均有她精彩的出演。 yeeyan

Gong doesn’t expect China to devalue its currency because the drop in exports is related to a decline in demand, not the price of goods.
龚方雄预计中国不会进行货币贬值,因为是需求而不是产品价格导致了出口的下降。 yeeyan

Gong Benru is a successful computer programmer who, like Yang, chooses to save up his cash to buy a home.
宫本儒是一个事业有成的计算机程序员,像杨一样,他选择通过攒钱来买房。 yeeyan

Gong is lucky, he gets the single bed.
宫很幸运,他有一张单人床。 yeeyan

Gong's trial was at first put on hold while a case proceeded against Li for fabricating evidence and obstructing justice by instructing his client to lie.
龚钢模一案曾经延期审理。在龚案延期的同时李庄一案却在审理进程中李被控构成伪证罪和教唆委托人说谎的妨碍作证罪。 ecocn




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