

单词 gone about
释义 gone about短语⁶⁹⁴⁵⁹
It had gone about a thousand yards when it suddenly ground to a halt. The band stopped playing, the crowd stopped cheering.
码之后突然停了下来,乐队停止了演奏,人群也停止了欢呼。 blogbus

The change has been silent because its beneficiaries have gone about transforming countries unobtrusively while enjoying the fruits of success.
说其悄无声息,是因为革命的受益者在享受成功果实的同时默默地促成了国家的转型。 hicoo

Acts20:25 And now, behold, I know that you all, among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom, will see my face no more.
徒二十25我曾在你们中间来往,传扬国度,看哪,如今我晓得,你们众人都不会再见我的面了。 china

He would have said that she had scarcely thought of the child, so stilly had she gone about her work, day in and day out.
他本以为她差不多没有想过肚子里的孩子,一天到晚总忙着干活,一声不语的。 blog.sina.com.cn




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