

单词 gondolas
释义 gondolas ˈɡɔndələz COCA⁶¹¹³⁵BNC⁵⁶⁷³³
n.狭长小船gondola的名词复数;货架一般指商店;例如化妆品店;吊船工作台原型gondola的复数 A Venetian law decrees those all gondolas ought to be painted black. The only exceptions are not the gondolas belonging to high public officials.
威尼斯有一条国家律法规定,所有的平底小船都必需漆成黑色,只有高级官员的船例外。 www.udonkey.com.cn

It is to pass the Carnival AT Venice; there we are sure of obtaining gondolas if we cannot have carriages.
是到威尼斯去度狂欢节,那儿我们即使雇不到马车,一定可以弄到一只小艇的。 ebigear

A Venetian law decrees that all gondolas must be painted black. The only exceptions are the gondolas belonging to high public officials.
威尼斯有一条法律规定,所有的平底小船都必须漆成黑色,只有高级官员的船例外。 edu.sina.com.cn

Diagonals in the grid serve as passing lanes for gondolas and for lateral stability.
对角线网格中充当传球路线为11300和横向稳定性。 telaijz

Funded by gambling casinos, these hotels have indoor rivers with Italian gondolas.

In this paper, the dynamic pressure exerted by bulk freight on the side walls of the gondolas is emphatically analyzed.
本文着重分析散粒货物对车体侧墙的动压力。 cnki

Main Products: hangers, mannequins, packaging, gondolas, port, pallets, racks, steel shelves, baskets, wires etc.
主要产品:衣架,人体模型,包装,吊船,托盘,货架,钢货架,篮子电线等。 smes-tp

Visitors in Venice always enjoy their spare time on gondolas.

Gondolas and motorboats took part in the event along Venice's Grand Canal.
平底船和汽艇参加了在威尼斯大运河沿岸举办的活动。 www.jp345.net

Gondolas filled with tourists jam a busy canal in Venice, Italy.
在意大利威尼斯,挤满游客的刚多拉被卡在繁忙的运河里。 weibo




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