

单词 Gompers
释义 Gompers

United States labor leader born in England who was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1886 to 1924 1850-1924近义词 Samuel Gompers塞缪尔·冈珀斯…
PaulGompers, Josh Lerner.An analysis of compensation in the U.S.venture capital partnership.钱水土;侯波.;风险投资家与风险企业家合作机制的博弈分析;
Gompers, P. A., Lerner, J., 1998, What Drives Venture Capital Fundraising?;.HBS. Working paper, Harvard University.周乃敏;等.;高技术产业化风险投资的支持系统研究;
SamuelGompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, appealed to Coolidge to recognize strikers' rights.塞缪尔冈帕斯,美国劳工部部长要求柯立芝承认罢工者的权利。柯立芝当即口述了一个回复。
AfterGompers' death in 1924, William Green was elected president of the AFL as a compromise candidate.1924年龚帕斯去世之后,威廉-格林作为一名折中人物当选为劳联主席。
The AFL was founded in 1886 as a loose federation of craft unions under the leadership of SamuelGompers.劳联是1886年在龚帕斯SamuelGompers的领导下,组织起来的一个松散的联合会。其所属工会对自身事务保留充分的自主权。
161.With socialists demanding an end towage slaveryanarchists singing the praises of the virtues of dynamite, middle-of-the-roaders like SamuelGompersand McGuire. 162.中英对照 161、社会主义者强烈要求结束薪水奴隶制,而无政府主义者高唱炸药的价值,像Samuel和McGuire这样的中间道路者显得相对温和。




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