

单词 Goldthwaite
释义 Goldthwaite ˈɡoldˌθwet COCA¹²⁵⁰²⁷
Deep in the chimney-corner, like a witch in a dark cavern, sat a little old woman, mending one of the two pairs of stockings wherewith Peter Goldthwaite kept his toes from being frostbitten.
壁炉边的座位上,坐着位矮小的老妇人,活像黑幽幽山洞里的巫婆,正补着为彼得的脚丫子抵挡霜冻的两双长袜中的一双。 exams

Mr Goldthwaite, professor emeritus of history at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, is an uncompromising researcher.
高德斯威特先生,马里兰州巴尔的摩市约翰霍普金斯大学历史名誉教授,是位从不妥协的研究者。 ecocn

Oh, what a ghost of dead and buried wealth had Peter Goldthwaite raised, to scare himself out of his scanty wits withal!
哦,彼得找到的原来是一笔早已过时早已埋葬的财富,这东西的幽灵直吓得他差点儿没发疯! exams

Old Peter Goldthwaite's hoard of old rags.
老彼得·戈德思韦特攒下的破烂儿。 exams

Perhaps, after all, there was something in Peter Goldthwaite's turn of mind, which brought him an inward recompense for all the external evil that it caused.
说到底,彼得·戈德思韦特的天性中也许有着某种东西,能为它所造成的一切外部不幸带来内心的补偿。 exams

Peter Goldthwaite was inserting a key into the lock.
彼得正朝锁孔插钥匙。 exams

These feelings grew so powerful that, in spite of the inclement weather, he resolved to visit Peter Goldthwaite immediately.
这些念头越来越强烈,于是顾不得天气险恶,他决心立刻动身去看彼得。 exams




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