释义 |
Go·lan 'gəu'la:n 高Economist¹¹³⁴⁷ 基本英英搭配近义反义例句 Heights戈兰高地叙利亚西南部1967年被以色列占领
Noun: a fortified hilly area between southern Lebanon and southern Syria;artillery on the Golan Heights can dominate a large area of Israel golan heights戈兰高地 近义词 Golan Heights戈兰高地 Having worked as an academic at MIT and a researcher specializing in computer technology and software engineering, Golan Levin now spends most of his time working as a performance artist. 作为一名麻省理工学院的老师以及一名专攻计算机科技与软件工程的研究人员, Golan Levin现在大部分时间都花在他的表演艺术事业上。 yeeyan In three separate episodes during the day— on the Syrian border with the Golan Heights, on the Lebanese border and on the border with the Gaza Strip— those marching were met with live gun fire. 当天共有三起孤立的类似事件——分别发生在叙利亚戈兰高地处的边境,黎巴嫩边境以及加沙地带的边境——这些游行都遭到真枪实弹的射击。 ecocn The Syrians had to fight their way across Israeli fortifications and anti- tank ditches on the Golan Heights in1973, and suffering very heavy losses from hull-down, dug-in Israeli tanks. 1973年,叙利亚人不得不在戈兰高地上与以色列的防御工事和反坦克壕沟苦战,藏在工事里的以色列坦克,让他们遭受了非常沉重的损失。 yeeyan Israel's parliament enacted a law that would require any deal involving the ceding of land annexed by Israel, in particular East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, to be put to a national referendum. 以色列议会通过一项法案,法案规定今后任何涉及退还以所占土地,尤其是东耶路撒冷和格兰高地的协议应交由全民公决决定。 ecocn |