释义 |
going mental 基本Thesaurus 发神经;气疯 as in.go crazy 同义词 freak out,go off,lose itblow a gasket,blow one's mind,blow one's stack,blow one's top,crack up,flip one's lid,flip out,fly off the handle,go ballistic,go bananas,go batty,go berserk,go bonkers,go buggy,go cuckoo,go daffy,go haywire,go kooky,go loco,go loony,go nuts,go nutty,go off one's rocker,go off the deep end,go off the wall,go psycho,go wacko,go wacky,lose control of oneself,lose one's cool,lose one's mind,wig out go crazyverb become insane blow a gasket,blow one's mind,blow one's stack,blow one's top,crack up,flip one's lid,flip out,fly off the handle,freak out,go ballistic,go bananas,go batty,go berserk,go bonkers,go buggy,go cuckoo,go daffy,go haywire,go kooky,go loco,go loony,go mental,go nuts,go nutty,go off,go off one's rocker,go off the deep end,go off the wall,go psycho,go wacko,go wacky,lose control of oneself,lose it,lose one's cool,lose one's mind,wig out going crazyverb become insane blowing a gasket,blowing one's mind,blowing one's stack,blowing one's top,cracking up,flipping one's lid,flipping out,flying off the handle,freaking out,going ballistic,going bananas,going battying,going berserk,going bonkers,going buggy,going cuckoo,going daffy,going haywire,going kooky,going loco,going loony,going nuts,going nutty,going off,going off one's rocker,going off the deep end,going off the wall,going psycho,going wackoing,going wacky,losing control of oneself,losing it,losing one's cool,losing one's mind,wigging out went crazyverb become insane blew a gasket,blew one's mind,blew one's stack,blew one's top,cracked up,flew off the handle,flipped one's lid,flipped out,freaked out,lost control of oneself,lost it,lost one's cool,lost one's mind,went ballistic,went bananas,went battied,went berserk,went bonkers,went buggy,went cuckoo,went daffy,went haywire,went kooky,went loco,went loony,went mental,went nuts,went nutty,went off,went off one's rocker,went off the deep end,went off the wall,went psycho,went wackoed,went wacky,wigged out |