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词汇 -going
释义 -going 英'ɡəʊɪŋ美'ɡəʊɪŋ ☆☆☆☆☆高
comb. 表示“常去…的”; adj. 车型的;与名词连用;例如'ocean';'sea'和'road';形成形容词形容为某种地方专门设计的车型的; n. 常去;与词汇连用;例如'theatre';'church';和'film';形成名词指常去某种地方;或常参加某种活动

名词 going:
the act of departingeuphemistic expressions for deathadvancing toward a goal
动词 go:
change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphoricallyfollow a procedure or take a coursemove away from a place into another directionenter or assume a certain state or conditionbe awarded; be allottedhave a particular formstretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain pointfollow a certain coursebe abolished or discardedbe or continue to be in a certain conditionmake a certain noise or soundperform as expected when appliedto be spent or finishedprogress by being changedcontinue to live through hardship or adversitypass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or actionpass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain lifebe in the right place or situationbe ranked or comparebegin or set in motionhave a turn; make one's move in a gamebe contained inbe sounded, played, or expressedblend or harmonizelead, extend, or afford accessbe the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desiredgo through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized waybe spentgive support to or make a choice of one out of a group or numberstop operating or functioning
形容词 going:
in full operationget someone going使某人兴奋have something going for one具有对自己有利的事…be going strong劲头十足; 精力充沛…going on发生be going to将要not know whether one is coming or going昏头昏脑,不知如何是…like it's going out of style就像快过时的东西一样…coming and going往来逃脱不了…going concern继续盈利的企业…heavy going难于通行的be going through changes处于困境中sea going bellhop海军陆战队队员…keep someone going in something继续不断地向某人供应…have nothing going for one一无所长,各方面条件…as if it's going out of style就像快过时的东西一样…going and coming天经地义的事(千真万…not know if one is coming or going不知所措like it's going out of fashion就像快过时的东西一样…keep someone going使某人能维持下去…hard going艰难的旅程,进展困难…




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