

单词 godson
释义 god·son 英ˈgɒdˌsʌn美ˈgɑdˌsʌnAHDgŏdʹsŭn' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁴⁹⁹⁵BNC⁴⁶⁹⁸⁷iWeb⁴⁴⁶⁵³
a male godchildgodson-声音⇒n.教子
用作名词He really wants to fulfil his role asgodsonproperly.他确实想好好履行作为教子的职责。
For a moment he reflected on how much he loved thisgodson.一会儿,他仔细想他多么爱这个教子。 That seemed to be the case for his godson who came to Pamplona for the second time this year, despite swearing after his first experience he never would.
他的教子似乎正是如此:今年,他第二次来到潘普洛纳,尽管首次参加奔牛活动后,他曾经发誓永远也不来了。 ywhc

The four- core Godson-3 will consume10 watts of power, and the eight- core chip will consume20 watts, says Xu.
徐志伟介绍到,四核的 Godson-3地耗电量是10瓦,八核的将会是20瓦。 yeeyan

The ICT group began designing a single- core CPU in 2001, and by the following year had developed Godson-1, China's first general-purpose CPU.
ICT在2001年开始研发单核 CPU,第二年就推出了中国第一代通用 CPU: Godson-1。 yeeyan

The latest Godson chips will also have a number of advanced features.
最新一代的 Godson芯片拥有一些先进的技术。 yeeyan

The Loongson processor familyknown in China by the name Godson, is now in its sixth generation.
龙芯系列处理器国内也叫做“狗剩”,目前发展到了第六代。 yeeyan

A Charles I gold medal pictured above was consigned for sale by the Godson family, who believed it was an ordinary honour confirming the king as “ Sovereign of the Seas”.
一块查尔斯 I世时期的金币见上图,被戈德森家族委托出售,坚信是一项“海上帝国女王”授予的普通荣誉。 yeeyan

Alexander, who has moved back to Serbia from his exile in London, is a godson of the Queen, whom he calls Lizzie in private.
亚历山大曾流亡在伦敦,现已回到塞尔维亚,伊丽莎白女王是他的教母,私下里他称呼他Lizzie。 ecocn

At the low end of the Godson family of processors, the new2H chip is an incremental improvement compared to previous chips in the Godson2 series, says Halfhill.
在龙芯低端系列上, Halfhill表示龙芯2H和之前的芯片相比是一个功能改进版。 yeeyan

Elizabeth was again deep in thought, and after a time exclaimed, “To treat in such a manner, the godson, the friend, the favourite of his father!”
伊丽莎白又深思了一会儿,然后大声说道:“你是他父亲的教子,朋友,是他父亲所器重的人,他怎么竟这样作践你!” hjenglish

For a moment he reflected on how much he loved this godson.
一会儿,他仔细想他多么爱这个教子。 blog.sina.com.cn

From then on he called her godmother and she called hi godson.
从那以后,他就叫她教母,她则叫他教子。 bomoo

He is a good godson.
他是一个好教子。 blog.sina.com.cn

He patted his godson on the shoulder.
他在肩膀上轻拍着他的教子。 blog.sina.com.cn

If the Godson3B shows up in a supercomputer by2011, it will be an important milestone in China's billion-dollar effort to cultivate a homegrown CPU.
如果龙芯3B可以在2011年的超级计算机中亮相,将会是中国上百亿打造本土 CPU努力的重要里程碑。 yeeyan

In 2003,2004, and2006, the team introduced ever faster versions of a second chip-- Godson-2-- based on the original design.
2003年、2004年和2006年,在第一代CPU的基础上,ICT推出了速度更快的二代CPU: Godson-2。 yeeyan

It is significant that Godson is born for the CPU core technology, the security of nation and the development of economy.
龙芯的诞生对于中国的 CPU核心技术,国家安全,甚至经济的发展都有着举足轻重的作用。 cnki

This thesis will focus on the latter and will describe our work of adjustingGCC optimizer on Godson-2 architecture to improve the performance.
本文主要关注于后者。工作的主要内容是针对龙芯2号的结构特征,对 GCC进行分析、调整和优化,达到提高系统性能的目的。 cnki

To improve the performance of the program on godson, we should design an optimizer for it.
为提高龙芯上程序的性能,需要为龙芯开发一个编译优化器。 cnki

We won't disappoint my godson, eh, Michael?
我们不会让我的教子失望,嗯,迈克尔? blog.sina.com.cn

WHEN Lloyd Godson was at university he had himself chained inside a cupboard at the bottom of a swimming pool.
劳埃德是在大学当干儿子,他自己用铁链在壁橱内底部设有游泳池。 wh.crtvu.edu.cn

With Godson-1 processor as the research prototype, a design scheme of on-chip debug features in embedded processor is presented in this paper.
以龙芯1号处理器为研究对象,探讨了嵌入式处理器中在片调试功能的设计实现方法。 dictall

With Godson-1 processor as the research prototype, a verification method of processors on-chip- debugging function based on JTAG is presented in this paper.
以龙芯1号处理器为研究对象,探讨了基于 JTAG的处理器在片调试功能的验证方法。 dictall

Godson-3, a chip with four cores-- processing units that work in parallel-- will appear in2009, according to Xu, and an eight- core version is also under development.
徐志伟称,在2009将推出拥有四核4个独立的处理单元 Goldson-3芯片,而且八核的型号也正在研发中。 yeeyan




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