

单词 go-between
释义 go-be·tween 英ˈgəʊbɪˌtwiːn美ˈgobɪˌtwinAHDgōʹbĭ-twēn' ★☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁰⁷¹⁸BNC³⁰³⁷⁸iWeb³⁴⁸¹⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a negotiator who acts as a link between partiesgo between中间人中间网络…go between the bark and the tree管闲事特别是人的家…
蒋争熟词记忆go(去between在两者之中⇒中间人;媒人;掮客go去between在两者之中⇒中间人;媒人;掮客近义词 lawyer律师agent代理人broker经纪人mediator调解人connection联系messenger报信者spokesman发言人arbitrator仲裁人negotiator磋商者intercessor仲裁者intermediator仲人intermediary仲裁者

用作名词He acted as a middleman in discussions between the two companies.他在两公司的谈判中作中间人。
In between you and the vendor without any unnecessary middleman.在您和供应商之间没有任何不必要的中间人。 An intermediary; a go-between.
中间人,调解人,经济人。 dictall

The IT Product Owner is a mere go-between for the techies and the business.
“ IT产品负责人”仅仅是技术和业务的中间人。 infoq

The Science and Technology Association served the function of a go-between.

Earlier, the U. S. federal government has a go-between Citibank and Wachovia, Citigroup hopes to lend a helping hand to prevent the American League once again in trouble.
此前,美国联邦政府曾为美联银行与花旗银行牵线搭桥,希望花旗伸出援助之手防止美联再次陷入困境。 hicoo

He inquired whether the girl was already betrothed, and finding that she was not, he engaged a go-between to see if he could arrange for the girl on the water buffalo to marry his youngest son.
老人问女孩是否已经许婚,发现还没有,于是聘请了一个媒婆,看看能否让骑着水牛的女孩嫁给他的小儿子。 yeeyan

He is the go-between, representing the development team for the client and balancing client satisfaction with practicality.
他要两面兼顾,既要面对客户代表团队利益,又要以实用性来平衡客户的满意度。 yeeyan

If my go-between can't get permission for me to marry her, I guess I'll have to take the bull by the horns and go to see her father myself.
如果媒人不能帮助我获得迎娶她的许可,我想我会下定决心自己去找她的父亲谈。 blog.sina.com.cn

It describes a go-between. The go-between sees to it that money is passed, often illegally, from one person to another.
这个短语形容的是一种中间人,这种中间人确保资金得以转手,且通常是以非法的形式。 hjenglish

My husband, acting as the go-between and chauffeur, set down one basic rule: We had to be on the road by9 a. m. each morning.
我的丈夫充当了中间人和司机,并订下了一条基本规则:每天早晨9点之前我们必须上路。 yeeyan




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