

单词 go back to
释义 go back to ɡəubæktu: ★★★★★高牛6T短语⁶⁶⁸
追溯到; 回到…上来
The elections are over, the rhetoric should stop, it’s time to go back to work.
选举该结束了,停止那些花言巧语吧,是时候回去工作了。 yeeyan

Boxing’s beginnings in America go back to slave days, when plantation owners pitted slaves against one another and wagered on the outcomes.
拳击在美国的起源可以追溯到奴隶时代。那时农场主们令奴隶互相争斗,然后为胜负抛下赌注。 yeeyan

He knelt beside the boy and explained that he had to go back to work.
约翰森在小男孩的身边俯下身子,向他解释,自己得回去办事了。 yeeyan

I can go back to Dallas with no problem.
我可以再次回到达拉斯,不再有任何问题。 yeeyan

You can always go back to it when you feel stronger.
当你变坚强的时候你随时可以再回去看它。 hjenglish

You probably also know that the roots of this separation go back to one of the earliest design patterns: Model- View- Controller.
您很可能也知道这种分离的根源要追溯到最早的设计模式之一:模型-视图-控制器。 ibm




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