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词汇 go back on
释义 go back on 英ɡəʊ bæk ɒn美ɡoʊ bæk ɑːn ★★★★★高6八短语¹³⁹⁶⁶
违背; 背叛; 丢弃

fail to fulfill a promise or obligation;

She backed out of her promise

go back on one's promise食言go back on one's word食言go back on a promise食言go back on违背go back on one's tracks放弃意图
近义词 renege背信renege on背弃
His father told him not togo back onhis promise.他的父亲对他说,不要违背自己的诺言。
Far from accepting my advice, he went back on me.他非但不接受我的劝告,反而背叛了我。
She will not go against her convictions.她不会背叛信念。
I lose the track that loses me, so here I go.我迷失了了丢弃的我的道路,于是我来到这里。
She thumped the discarded log book with the back of her hand.她用手背重重砸了那本被丢弃的日志。as in.lie
同义词 deceive,mislead,misrepresent,promoteBS,beguile,bull,con,concoct,delude,dissemble,dissimulate,distort,dupe,equivocate,exaggerate,fabricate,fake,falsify,fib,forswear,frame,fudge,invent,malign,misguide,misinform,misspeak,misstate,overdraw,palter,perjure,pervert,phony,plant,prevaricate,snow,soft-soap,victimizebe untruthful,bear false witness,break promise,make believe,misinstruct,put on,put up a front,string along
反义词 be honesttell the truthas in.back down
同义词 abandon,admit,back off,back out,backtrack,balk,cancel,cave in,concede,give in,give up,pull back,pull out,renege,retreat,surrender,take back,withdrawaccede,acquiesce,back pedal,beg off,bow out,chicken out,cop out,demur,give ground,have no fight left,hold back,recant,recoil,resign,submit,wimp out,withdraw from agreement or statement,yield
反义词 advance,allow,dispute,dissent,fight,permit,refuse,reject,upholdgo forwardas in.back out
同义词 back down,cancel,give up,renege,surrenderavoid,back pedal,beg off,blow it off,chicken out,cop out,get cold feet,recant,resign,scratch,shy from,throw in the towel,weasel out,wiggle out,worm outas in.back-pedal
同义词 back out of,change opinion,default on,do an about-face,do a U-turn,fail to honor,go into reverse,have second thoughts,reconsider,renege,shift one's ground,sing a different song,take backas in.retract
同义词 back down,back off,cancel,deny,disavow,disown,pull back,recant,renege,renounce,repeal,repudiate,rescind,reverse,revoke,rule out,take back,withdrawabjure,back,countermand,disclaim,eliminate,exclude,forswear,recall,recede,retreat,retrograde,sheathe,suspend,unsayback out of,call off,change one's mind,draw in,eat one's words,fall back,forget it,have change of heart,pull in,reel in,retrocede,take in
反义词 acknowledge,admit,agree,allow,approve,enforce,go forward,permit,sanction,accept,advance,forge,include,welcomecorroborate,emphasize,reaffirm,repeatas in.stab in the back
同义词 abandon,backstab,be disloyal,betray,be unfaithful,break promise,commit treason,cross,deceive,double-cross,finger,inform on,play Judas,sell down the river,sell out,trick,turn in,turn informer,turn traitoras in.take back
同义词 cancel,reclaim,renege,repeal,repossess,rescind,revoke,withdrawabjure,back down,backpedal,call off,change one's mind,eat one's words,forget it,have change of heart,recall,recant,repudiate
反义词 allow,approve,permitas in.betray
同义词 abandon,deceive,forsake,mislead,seducebluff,cross,delude,desert,finger,jilt,knife,trickbe unfaithful,bite the hand that feeds you,blow the whistle,break faith,break promise,break trust,break with,commit treason,deliver up,double-cross,inform against,inform on,let down,play false,play Judas,sell down the river,sell out,stab in the back,take in,turn in,turn informer,turn state's evidence,walk out on
反义词 aid,assist,help,staybe faithful,be loyal,be quiet,defend,hide,keep secret,protect,supportas in.chicken out
同义词 avoid,back down,back out,back pedal,beg off,blow it off,bow out,cancel,cop out,funk out,get cold feet,give up,give way,have no stomach for,make concessions,pull out,recant,renege,resign,scratch,shy from,surrender,throw in the towel,turn yellow,weasel out,wiggle out,wimp out,withdraw,worm out,yieldas in.defect
同义词 abandon,abscond,depart,desert,pull out,quit,reject,renounce,revolt,withdrawapostatize,forsake,go,lapse,leave,rat,rebel,renege,schism,spurn,tergiversate,turnback out,break faith,change sides,fall away from,go over,go over the fence,run out,sell out,take a walk,tergiverse,turn coat,walk out on
反义词 allow,approve,come,continue,persevere,remain,stay,supportcome in,joinas in.desert
同义词 betray,bolt,depart,escape,flee,forsake,give up,quit,vacateabscond,apostatize,beach,chuck,decamp,duck,fly,go,jilt,leave,light,maroon,relinquish,renounce,resign,split,strand,tergiversate,walkbail out,check out,cop out,crawl out,go AWOL,go over the hill,go west,leave high and dry,leave in the lurch,leave stranded,opt out,play truant,pull out,run out on,sneak off,take a hike,take off,throw over,violate oath
反义词 come,continue,remain,stay,wait,care,face,hold,keep,maintain,stopaid,assist,come back,help,supportas in.go back/go back on
同义词 abandon,betray,be unfaithful,desert,forsake,leave in the lurch,renege,repudiate,retract,return,revert,run out on
反义词 keep,promise
back downverb back off
abandon,accede,acquiesce,admit,back off,back out,back pedal,backtrack,balk,beg off,bow out,cancel,cave in,chicken out,concede,cop out,demur,give ground,give in,give up,have no fight left,hold back,pull back,pull out,recant,recoil,renege,resign,retreat,submit,surrender,take back,wimp out,withdraw,withdraw from agreement or statement,yield
back outverb withdraw
avoid,back down,back pedal,beg off,blow it off,cancel,chicken out,cop out,get cold feet,give up,go back on,recant,renege,resign,scratch,shy from,surrender,throw in the towel,weasel out,wiggle out,worm out
back-pedalverb change mind
back out of,change opinion,default on,do a U-turn,do an about-face,fail to honor,go back on,go into reverse,have second thoughts,reconsider,renege,shift one's ground,sing a different song,take back
backed outverb withdraw
avoided,back down,back pedal,begged off,blew it off,canceled,chickened out,copped out,gave up,got cold feet,recanted,reneged,resigned,scratched,shy from,surrendered,threw in the towel,weaseled out,went back on,wiggled out,wormed out
betrayverb be disloyal
abandon,be unfaithful,bite the hand that feeds you,blow the whistle,bluff,break faith,break promise,break trust,break with,commit treason,cross,deceive,deliver up,delude,desert,double-cross,finger,forsake,go back on,inform against,inform on,jilt,knife,let down,mislead,play Judas,play false,seduce,sell down the river,sell out,stab in the back,take in,trick,turn in,turn informer,turn state's evidence,walk out on
chicken outverb back down
avoid,back down,back out,back pedal,beg off,blow it off,bow out,cancel,cop out,funk out,get cold feet,give up,give way,go back on,have no stomach for,make concessions,pull out,recant,renege,resign,scratch,shy from,surrender,throw in the towel,turn yellow,weasel out,wiggle out,wimp out,withdraw,worm out,yield The fear of being treated as a floral decoration may be what prompted Mr Gregg last week to go back on an agreement to become Barack Obama’s commerce secretary.
也许正是因为害怕被当做摆设,格雷格先生上周终于同意成为巴拉克•奥巴马的商务秘书。 ecocn

All the toys go in the toy box.And the books go back on the shelves.
所有的玩具都放在玩具箱里。书本摆回书架上。 ebigear

Don't go back on your word.

Here is what I’ve found: many people don’t hold themselves to a high standard and, therefore, go back on their word or don’t fulfill obligations they say they’ll fulfill.
这是我发现的许多事情:许多人并没有以高标准来要求自己,所以他们总是不停地食言或并没有履行他们承诺履行的义务。 yeeyan

If he promised to help, he will not go back on his promise.

If you have people in your life who constantly go back on their words, it will become so normal to you that it will begin to creep into your own personality.
如果在你的日常生活中,你总是和经常食言的人接触,那么慢慢的,你自己的个性也会变得如此,并且会觉得很正常。 yeeyan

You can't go back on your words once you make a promise on something!
我们不能相信他,他这人总是说话不算数! hjenglish




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