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GNATS næts 基本例句 Graphic Navlink Aircraft Tracking System 图解Navlink飞机跟踪系统 And the gnats were on men and animals. 于是在人身上和牲畜身上都有了虱子。 ebigear And the little gnats of men sting his memory when they get their very bread and butter from the technical application of his ideas. 那些人类中渺小的蚊蚋,吞食着从技术上应用他的思想而得来的黄油面包,却叮咬着他死后的名声。 chinabaike It seems I had walked through a swarm of gnats, whose bites led to uncomfortable itching and sores. 我知道是那些蚊蚋的缘故,被咬的地方又痛又痒,十分不舒服。 ymnl PREY was about clouds of nanobots, tiny robots, that moved around in clouds that resembled smoke or a swarm of gnats. 那是一种微型机器人,它们像汇聚的浓烟或是像一大群小虫一样聚集在一起,形成乌云状的物体四处移动。 uuniao The air seemed to grow thick with fine white gnats. 空气似乎由于许多白色的小虫子而变得浑浊不堪。 bab The prince stepped up to the top of a magnificently- decorated platform to address his troops, but God sent a swarm of gnats—one swarm of little gnats. 王子走上了一个华丽装饰的平台上指挥他的部队,但上帝派出了虫群---只是一小虫群。 zhuoyuebbs The wicked prince never regained his power or his wealth. He died soon after, defeated by little gnats. 邪恶的王子没有重新获得他的权力或财富。他被蚊一点点击败后不久就去世了。 zhuoyuebbs When he passed through a village, the ragged brats ran joyously after him, and surrounded him like a swarm of gnats. 他从一个村庄经过时,那些衣服破烂的孩子们都欢天喜地跑到他身边,就象一群小飞虫似的围着他。 tdict “ Like gnats” is how an executive at a big investment bank describes boutiques. “它们就像恼人的小麻烦”这是大型投资银行描述这类公司时所用的语言。 ecocn All the dust throughout the land of Egypt became gnats. 埃及遍地的尘土都变成虱子了。 ebigear Because the insects are compared to the sand of the desert, a swarm of gnats seems the most likely. 因为那种小虫常被拿来和沙漠的沙尘做比较,所以,我觉得天灾里出现的很可能是「蚊蚋」大军。 ymnl Great against mosquitoes, tics, gnats, flies, ants, black flies and other pesky insects. 大灭蚊,抽搐,蚊蚋,苍蝇,蚂蚁,苍蝇和其他讨厌的黑色昆虫。 www.100qq.cc He spoke, and flies and gnats swarmed throughout the country. 他一发命,苍蝇便成群飞来,蚊蚋也在他们的各地徘徊。 ccreadbible Incessant rains, crazy winds of Kamchatka, sleeping in damp sleeping bags, gnats and wool lice are inevitable companions of people working in the Kronotsky natural reserve. 勘察加半岛永不间断的狂风,潮湿阴冷的睡袋,蚊虫和羊毛虱为伴,这就是克罗诺基自然保护区的生活。 yeeyan Methods: The method of liquid immerse was adopted and the sensitivity of mosquito gnats which are different in age and sorts to mixed liquor of BTH-14 and BS-10 was determined. 方法:采用液浸法,用苏云金杆菌 BTH-14和球形芽孢杆菌 BS-10混合液按不同浓度对不同龄期、不同种蚊幼进行敏感性测定。 chemyq Mosquitoes are flying, biting insects that are closely related to flies and gnats. 蚊子是一种会飞的叮咬类昆虫,于蝇和蚋关系非常密切。 dxy Punk purists are perhaps the most loathsome gnats in all of creation. 纯朋克们也许是这个世界上所有物种中最让人讨厌的。 yeeyan Results:The younger mosquito gnats were more sensitive to the mixed liquor. 结果:蚊幼龄期越小,对生物制剂越敏感。 chemyq Then the Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ' Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the ground, ' and throughout the land of Egypt the dust will become gnats.” 耶和华吩咐摩西说:“你对亚伦说:‘伸出你的杖击打地上的尘土,使尘土在埃及遍地变作虱子或作:虼蚤;下同。’” ebigear They entered the ships and the prince was approaching his own, when God sent a swarm of gnats—one swarm of little gnats. 他们爬上这些船,王子也走进他的那条船,这时上帝送来一群蚊蚋——只是一小群蚊蚋。 ebigear They buzzed round the prince and stung his face and hands; angrily he drew his sword and brandished it, but he only touched the air and did not hit the gnats. 这些小虫子在王子的周围嗡嗡地叫,刺着他的脸和手。他一生气就抽出剑来,但是他只刺着不可捉摸的空气,刺不着蚊蚋。 hxen This experience gave me a new perspective on the plague of gnats that God visited upon Egypt when Phar-ooh would not free the Israelites. 这次体会使我对上帝为了让埃及法老释放以色列人而降的虱灾,有了一种新的看法。 ymnl Gnats toss in the shadow of a bottle. 蚊子摇晃在瓶子的阴影里。 poemlife |