

单词 glycol
释义 gly·col 英ˈglaɪˌkɔːl, -ˌkəʊl, -ˌkɒl美ˈglaɪˌkɔl, -ˌkol, -ˌkɑlAHDglīʹkôl', -kōl', -kŏl' 高COCA⁵⁶⁹⁵⁰BNC⁴⁹¹⁵⁶iWeb²⁰⁵²⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.化乙二醇=ethylene glycol¹⁰⁰.

a sweet but poisonous syrupy liquid used as an antifreeze and solventany of a class of alcohols having 2 hydroxyl groups in each moleculebutylene glycol丁二醇,丁烯二醇…polyethylene glycol化聚乙二醇…butyne glycol丁炔二醇glycol lubricant乙二醇润滑剂…alkylene glycol烷撑二醇glycol nitrate乙二醇硝酸酯…hexamethylene glycol己二醇methyl glycol乙二醇一甲醚,甲基熔…glycol cellulose化 纤维素乙二醇…glycol ester乙二醇酯butyl glycol化 丁基乙二醇…hexylene glycol己二醇ethylene glycol乙二醇dichlorotriethylene glycol二氯三甘醇ascaridol glycol驱蛔脑二醇glycol concentration乙二醇浓度propylene glycol丙二醇
glyc-ol醇成酚⇒n.化乙二醇=ethylene glycol.近义词 diol二醇ethanediol乙二醇ethylene glycol乙二醇dihydric alcohol二元醇,二羟醇…

Using polyethyleneglycoldimaleate as crosslinking agent, a high water-absorbent resin was synthesized.用聚乙二醇双马来酸酯作交联剂制备高吸水性树脂。 For maximum reliability, the glycol should be replaced every few years.
最大能力,乙二醇每几年要更换。 iciba

Mr Young discovered his allergy when he was given a steroid injection containing polyethylene glycol to treat a problem with his foot.
杨先生首次发生这种过敏现象,是在接受含有聚乙二醇的类固醇注射液治疗脚病的时候。 yeeyan

The HST researchers built their“ biological Legos” by encapsulating cells within a polymer called polyethylene glycol PEG, which has many medical uses.
HST的研究者们用一种在医疗上已广泛应用的学名为聚乙二醇 PEG的多聚体来封装细胞,构成了他们的“生物乐高积木”。 yeeyan

The poisoning appears to be due to ethylene glycol; the vinegar had been stored in barrels that previously contained antifreeze.
有毒的物质是乙二醇;食醋储存在早先盛过抗冻剂的大桶里。 yeeyan

The poisoning appears to be due to ethylene glycol;
有毒的物质是乙二醇; yeeyan

The smoker inhales doses of nicotine vaporized with the help of a solvent such as propylene glycol.
尼古丁溶解在丙二醇等溶剂中,挥发后被吸烟者吸入。 yeeyan

The toxicity of solution EDT mainly resulted from ethylene glycol, and related to the concentration of ethylene glycol and equilibration time.
EDT玻璃化溶液的毒性来自于乙二醇,并随着乙二醇浓度的增加和平衡时间的延长而增加。 iciba

The glycol tank uses welded fittings, assuring zero leakage.
乙二醇坦克使用的焊接接头,保证零泄漏。 testmart

Along with many of McDonald's sauces, both the cilantro lime glaze and the orange glaze contain propylene glycol alginate.
除此之外,很多麦当劳的酱料也添加了这两种含有海藻酸丙二醇的物质。 yeeyan

During the winter months, the pump circulates a mix of water and glycol antifreeze into the wells through loops of pipe.
在冬季,地热泵会将水与乙二醇防冻剂的混合物泵入深入地热井的管道中进行循环。 yeeyan

In the summer, the process reverses, with the pump sending water and glycol into the pipe to help cool the house.
在夏季,程序正相反,地热泵会将水与乙二醇送入管道中以帮助房屋内制冷。 yeeyan

PET is made from two feedstocks, one of them an organic acid, the other ethylene glycol, which is relatively inexpensive.
PET由两种原料制成,一种是有机酸,另一种是相对便宜的乙二醇。 yeeyan

Propylene glycol, commonly used to keep cleansing ingredients in the proper physical state, also poses a problem in large quantities.
算通常用来制作清洁用品的丙二醇,即便处于适当的物理状态,数量一多仍然会造成问题。 jukuu

Start Evaporator bottoms flow and slowly increase to1.7 times the estimated EO content of the Glycol Reactor feed.
开启蒸发器底流,慢慢将其增至乙二醇反应器进料中预计环氧乙烷浓度的1.7倍。 mrtranslator

The other method runs room-temperature glycol through those same iced-over tubes.
另一个方法是让室温的乙二醇通过外边结冰的管子。 yeeyan

The temperature at which a solution of a surfactant or glycol starts to form micelles molecular agglomerates, thus becoming cloudy.
表面活性剂溶液或乙二醇开始形成胶粒分子聚集的温度,溶液开始变得浑浊。 www.infopetro.com.cn




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