

单词 glutinous
释义 glu·ti·nous 英ˈgluːtnəs美ˈglutnəsAHDgl›tʹn-əs ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA⁶⁷³²⁸BNC⁴⁰⁵¹⁵iWeb⁴¹⁷⁵⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

having the sticky properties of an adhesive词源同glue, 粘,胶水。glutinous millet黄米,糜子glutinous rice糯米root of glutinous rice糯稻根glutinous rice wine糯米酒,黄酒…fermented glutinous rice糯米酒酿
GRE难词记忆glutinous → glu=glue 胶 水+tin=hold 抓住+ous…的→象胶水一样把东西抓住的→粘的GRE红宝书源于gluen 胶, 胶水而不是glut
glue胶水 + 音:舔
来自 glue 胶,胶水
glu=glue胶水+tin=hold抓住+ous…的→象胶水一样把东西抓住的⇒粘的来自gluen.胶,胶水近义词 gluey胶的sticky粘的viscous粘的gummy黏性的gooey胶粘的tacky发粘的pasty浆糊的viscid粘质的adherent追随者coherent连贯的adhesive有粘性的gelatinous凝胶状的mucilaginous粘液质的

用作形容词The grain shop is now in need ofglutinousrice.那粮店现在正需要糯米。adj.viscous
同义词 adhesive,clammy,gelatinous,gluey,gooey,mucilaginous,ropy,slimy,stiff,syrupy,tenacious,thick,tough,viscid,viscose
adhesiveadjective sticking
gelatinousadjective coagulated
gooeyadjective sticky, gummy
miryadjective slimy
mucilaginousadjective viscous
muckyadjective slimy
clammy,glutinous,miry,mucous,muculent,muddy,oozy,scummy,sludgy,slushy,viscous,yukky Steam the glutinous rice in a wok or steamer.
将糯米放在镬或蒸笼上蒸熟。 theproxyfree

The construction of the Zhonghua Gate along with the city wall was obviously a massive undertaking but utilized a creation of lime, water, glutinous rice and tung oil to cement the bricks in place.
南京的城墙,显而易见是一项巨大的工程,但是却能用石灰、水、糯米和桐油将砖块粘结在固定的位置,非常神奇。 hxen

Actually, they are small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour. They are like Tangyuan.
其实呢,它们是用糯米粉做的小圆球,有点像汤圆。 crazymouth.com

Add in glutinous rice powder, sugar and spinach juice to form a smooth dough.
然后加入糯米粉、细砂糖、菠菜汁搅拌成团。 hjenglish

Add the glutinous rice flour as u prefer, the more the stickier.
糯米粉的用量根据自己的喜好添加,越多越粘稠; xianzhijia

Analysts say the prices of raw materials, including glutinous rice, sugar and edible oil, have risen25% this year, causing a spike in rice dumpling price.
专家分析说,今年以来,糯米、糖、油等价格持续上涨,导致粽子原材料总体价格增长了25%左右,粽子价格由此水涨船高。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Can eat sesame, walnut, glutinous rice, honey and so on, in order to play Ziyin lungs nourishing role.
可以多食芝麻、核桃、糯米、蜂蜜等,以起到滋阴润肺养血的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn

Nian Gao is often made from glutinous rice flour, wheat starch, salt, water, and sugar. It is delicious when steamed, fried, or even eaten cold.
年糕通常用糯米粉、小麦粉、盐、水、糖制成,无论蒸、炸,还是冷吃,都十分美味。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Put the sauted glutinous rice and chopped pork belly into a teacup.
把已炒的糯米和切件的五花腩放入茶杯中。 theproxyfree

She liked dropping into a kindergarten on Nguyen Du street to see children playing, when she went selling steamed glutinous rice.
当她卖蒸糯米时,她很喜欢到 nguyen路上的幼儿园去看孩子们玩。 yeeyan

Some snacks with slippery texture will lead to choking easily, like jelly and glutinous dumpling, so take more care when eating this kind of food.
一些表面光滑的零食容易使人窒息,例如,果冻和汤圆,因此食用此类食品时要多加注意。 edu.sina.com.cn

The more adventurous eaters should not miss the rich dessert soups, like the red bean puree with sweet glutinous- rice dumplings.
喜欢冒险的食客千万别错过丰富的甜品汤类、甜糯米饭、红豆泥饺子。 yeeyan

This paper analyzes the compaction standards used in glutinous soil pavement and ratio of compression, combining with the practice of our province.
针对我省的实际情况,对高等级公路、一级公路粘性土路基采用的重型击实标准、压实度进行了分析。 dictall

When Ms Gillard delivered a glutinous speech to a joint session of Congress in March, she got six standing ovations.
当吉拉德在3月份向美国国会两院联席会议发表一篇粘稠腻人的演讲时,听众曾六次为她起立鼓掌。 kekenet

You can prepare glutinous rice flour in a bowl and slowly add hot water until they mix into dough.
首先在碗内准备一些糯米粉,然后慢慢地加入热水,直到二者混为一个面团。 hjenglish




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