

单词 glumly
释义 glum·ly 英ɡlʌm美ɡlʌm 高COCA³³⁶⁸⁸BNC²⁹¹⁹⁰iWeb⁵²⁷⁹¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
moody and melancholicshowing a brooding ill humor;

a dark scowl

the proverbially dour New England Puritan

a glum, hopeless shrug

he sat in moody silence

a morose and unsociable manner

a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius

a sour temper

a sullen crowd

glum-ly像⇒adj.闷闷不乐的²²;阴郁的¹⁷;阴沉的n.闷闷不乐²⁴;忧郁²⁰近义词 low低的down向下sour酸的sad悲哀的blue蓝色的dour严厉的dark黑暗的moody易怒的sulky生气的sullen愠怒的gloomy阴暗的morose郁闷的dismal阴沉的solemn庄严的dreary沉闷的negative否定的downcast气馁的depressed沮丧的cheerless沉闷的saturnine忧郁的miserable痛苦的downhearted消沉的glowering动词glower的现在进…

用作形容词Don't look so glum!别那样闷闷不乐。
Faced with all this, no wonder Americans are glum.世道艰难,无怪乎美国人民要闷闷不乐了。
When the opposition scores, he looks glum.当对手进球的时候,他一脸忧郁。用作名词as in.unhappily
同义词 sadlydespondently,forlornly,gloomily,sorrowfully,unpleasantly
反义词 blithely,happily,luckily,merrily
unhappilyadverb miserably
despondently,forlornly,gloomily,sadly,sorrowfully,unpleasantly It was described officially as“ Apollo on steroids”, but after the budgetary details became clear, one former NASA manager glumly amended that to “ Apollo on food stamps”.
本来官方将其称为“打了鸡血的阿波罗”,但在厘清财政预算细则之后,一位前 NASA主管将这一称呼改成了“领粮票的阿波罗”,最后被奥巴马取消。 ecocn

Frame by frame— eagle-eye views of red-tile ro of s and glimpses down narrow stone passageways; sex scenes and shots of Mr. Clooney glumly drinking coffee— “The American” is never less than gorgeous.
一帧接着一帧——鹰眼注视着红色的屋顶、扫过逼仄的石头小路;克鲁尼的那些性感场景与镜头:他消沉地喝着咖啡——《美国人》从不会失于华丽。 yeeyan

Spain goalkeeper Pedro Contreras said the ball acts “ strangely”, while Danish keeper Thomas Sorensen admitted glumly that it would probably result in more spectacular goals.
西班牙门将佩德罗·孔特拉斯认为,这个球实在是太“奇怪”了。丹麦守门员索伦森则很沮丧地表示,在“飞火流星”的“帮助”下,这届世界杯会产生更多的进球。 www.chinadaily.com.cn




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