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词汇 glows
释义 glow·s 英ɡləʊ美ɡloʊ COCA²⁴⁵³⁴BNC⁴⁴⁴⁵⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vi. 无焰地燃烧; 发炽热; 烧红

give out heat and〔or〕 soft light without flames or smoke

vi. 脸红,身体发热

show redness and heat, especially in the face, after hard work or because of strong feelings


a soft light from sth burning without flame or smoke


the feeling and〔or〕 signs of heat and color in the body and face

S热情; 强烈的感情

a strong feeling

an alert and refreshed statelight from nonthermal sourcesthe phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raiseda feeling of considerable warmth;

the glow of new love

a glow of regret

a steady even light without flamesthe amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surfacean appearance of reflected light
emit a steady even light without flames;

The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden

have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink;

Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna

shine intensely, as if with heat;

The coals were glowing in the dark

The candles were burning

be exuberant or high-spirited;

Make the people's hearts glow

experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion;

She was beaming with joy

Her face radiated with happiness

glow, flare, glare, light, shine


1.指由日月星辰等天体或灯光、火光发出或照射的光用shine; 指太阳、灯等发出的非常强烈、耀眼的光用glare; 指由铁等发出炽热的热光或无焰的燃烧用glow; 指由手电筒、火炬等发出的摇曳的闪光或火焰用flare; 而light可用于任何物体发出的光。例如:

The sky was indigo blue, and a great many stars were shining.天空一片深蓝,闪烁着点点繁星。
The bright lights arrested the boy's attention.灿烂的灯光吸引了这个男孩的注意。
I saw the sudden flare of a flashlight in the darkness.我看到手电筒在黑暗中突然闪出的亮光。
The glare of the head-lights almost blinded her.前车灯几乎把她的眼都照得睁不开了。
The glow from the embers warmed us.余烬的灼热使我们暖和。

2.glow还可指因运动或激动而发热、发红或容光焕发; shine还可引申指眼神、情感等显露。例如:

His face has a shine with perspiration.他的脸因出汗而显得亮晶晶。
The baby was all in a glow after a hot bath.婴儿在洗完热水澡后浑身通红。blaze,flame,flare,glow,glare,flash,glitter,twinkle,light











用作动词 v.
~+介词glow at因…而脸色发红glow with由于…而发亮,呈现红、橙、黄等暖色,充满着,洋溢着用作名词 n.形容词+~bright glow明亮的光辉the golden glow金黄色名词+~the evening〔sunset〕 glow晚霞,夕阳余晖介词+~be in〔of〕 a glow暖烘烘的~+介词the glow from…发出的光a glow of anger大怒the glow of health〔a red glow on the face〕容光焕发,面色红润
近义词 flarelightv. gleamshinen. gleam
S+~+AA cigarette glowed in the dark.黑暗中有支香烟发着光。
It was painted in glowing colors.它是用明亮的色彩绘出来的。
The whole countryside glowed with autumn tints.乡间处处呈现出灿烂的秋色。
Her eyes glowed with joy.她的眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒。
His cheeks glowed after the race.赛跑后他满脸通红。
He glowed with pride at her son's achievements.他因儿子的成就而非常自豪。用作名词n.There was a dull red glow in the night sky above the steelworks.夜晚炼钢厂的上空闪着暗红色的光。
The long rest brought a glow back to her face.长期休息后她脸色又红润了。
I felt a pleasant glow in all my veins from the wine.喝过酒后我浑身的血都热烘烘的,感到很舒服。
She felt a glow of satisfaction at her son's achievements.她因儿子的成就而感到心满意足。
The glow went out of his voice.他说话的声音不那么激动了。

glow用作动词的基本意思是无焰或无烟地“燃烧; 发炽热; 烧红”,也指人因体力活动强度过大或感情强烈而“脸红,身体发热”,也可用来比喻人的“感情洋溢”。glow常与with连用。

用作名词There is aglowof health in his face.他的脸容光焕发。
There midnight's all a glimmer and noon a purpleglow.那儿午夜浮光微摇,中午紫光争耀。
The sunsetglowis very beautiful.太阳的余辉非常美丽。
His face took on an affectionateglow.他的脸上洋溢着热情的红光。
The fire cast a ruddyglowover the city.这场火把城市上空映得一片通红。
Her face has theglowof health.她脸色红润。用作不及物动词All firefliesglowwith about the same brightness.所有的萤火虫闪耀着差不多相同的光亮。
Their heartsglowwith genuine patriotism.他们胸中燃烧着忠贞的爱国主义火焰。
Many a time and often have we watched the treesglowas the sun set behind them.我们曾多次观看这些树在落日的映照下熠熠生辉。
Xiao Ming is greedy, his eyes willglowwhenever he sees meat.小明特别馋,一看见肉就两眼放光。 An electric light glows when it is turned on.

So a candle has a flame that glows, but a hot coal glows from within.
蜡烛有着发光的火焰,但热炭是从内部发光发热。 yeeyan

The bright white spot on the left, just above the horizon, is Venus, which also glows by reflected sunlight.
就在地平线上方,左边的白色亮点是金星,它也是反射阳光而发出光芒的。 yeeyan

The very center of the Sombrero glows across the electromagnetic spectrum, and is thought to house a large black hole.
草帽的最中央发出的光芒遍布电磁光谱,人们认为其中存在一个大型黑洞。 yeeyan

Unlike reflection nebulae like DG129, which reflects light from nearby stars, this nebula emits light from hot ionized gas that glows as it cools.
反射星云 DG129反射的是临近恒星的光芒,而照片中的星云光芒则是由于其中炙热的电离气体变冷时发出的。 yeeyan

A weeks- old eel larva in a petri dish glows under blue light.
培养皿中一周大的鳗鱼苗在蓝色灯光下发光。 yeeyan

A purple hammer which glows in the dark is still useless if it can't effectively put nails into wood.
一个在黑暗中可以闪闪发光的紫色锤子,如果不能够有效的把钉子钉进木头的话,它仍然是毫无用处的。 infoq

All the while, the orange lumpsucker swims, and the ice glows green undersea.
橙色的圆鳍鱼始终在游动,海底的冰始终闪烁着绿光。 yeeyan

And because different bacterial species are sensitive to different pollutants, different coloured glows can indicate the presence of specific chemicals.
由于不同种类的细菌对于不同的污染物敏感,发出不同颜色的光可以显示出特殊化学物质的存在。 ecocn

But others draw a huge, hot disk of gas that glows white-hot just before it vanishes forever.

Edison wanted to“ subdivide” the light by using the softer glow obtained when electricity passes through a filament and heats it up until it glows.
爱迪生想让电流通过时灯丝被加热来发光的方法来“细分”强光,这样能得到更柔和的光线。 yeeyan

Embrace life to its fullest while the lamp still glows.
当生命之灯在发光时,尽情拥抱生命。 iciba

Figure1: This is a glowing nebula called the Lagoon nebulae, which glows as hydrogen and helium gas in it is heated by radiation from stars.
图一:这个亮星云的名称叫泻湖星云。它之所以发光,是因为星云中的氢气和氦气受到来自一些星体的射线激发。 yeeyan

Florida, the home of Kennedy Space Center— where U. S. astronauts launch to the International Space Station— glows like a beacon in the night.
佛罗里达是肯尼迪航天中心的所在地,美国宇航员们就是从那里飞入国际空间站的。 yeeyan

Granted, I am unaware of any chocolate rivers, but consider a bay where the water glows and lights bubble to the surface like fluorescent Champagne.
诚然,我从来也没见巧克力河,但想想飘动着发光生物的波多黎各维克斯海湾,想霓虹灯一般绚烂的香槟酒。 yeeyan

In the process, the virus glows green when exposed to an ineffective drug, thus allowing rapid distinction between ineffective and potentially effective drugs against smallpox.
在此过程中,病毒暴露在无效药物前会呈现绿色,因此可迅速区分医治天花的无效和可能有效药物。 who

It's not yet clear why the Gulf oil glows the colors that it does.
至于墨西哥湾的石油为何呈这样的颜色,现在原因还不甚清楚。 yeeyan

Mount Fuji glows red in the sunset, much like the year-end results of Japanese manufacturers.
富士山在夕阳中发出彤红的暖色,像极了日本制造业的年终绩效。 yeeyan

Nor do they know why it glows.
他们也还不知道为什么它会发光。 yeeyan

The entire drive module glows cherry red with radiant heat, and the exhaust nozzles are almost white.
整个动力装置闪耀着樱桃红并辐射出剧热,排气口也几乎变白。 yeeyan

The ring is also made of gold, and a wide smile of Cheshire cat treated with a special mix and, as in the film, glows in the dark.
这枚戒指依然是金质的。柴郡猫的大大坏笑是由混钻镶嵌的特殊结构,可以像在电影里面那样熠熠发光。 yeeyan

This clock for tots glows green when it's OK to wake up.
到了该起床的时候,这个专为小孩设计的闹钟就会发出绿光。 yeeyan

This molecule, as its name suggests, glows bright green when exposed to light of a suitable frequency.
上述蛋白来自水母,正如其名,在适当波长的光线下会发出明亮的绿光。 ecocn

Underfoot, a bed of moss glows faintly. It REACTS to their footsteps with expanding rings of light.
脚下,一小片苔藓微微地发着光。在两人的脚步经过时,它们荡漾着涟漪般的光圈。 yeeyan

Wherever you go in the US, the electronic print of the hand-held screen glows like fairytale magic.
在美国你走到哪里,手持阅读器上的电子书无不散发着童话般的魔力。 yeeyan




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