

单词 glossing
释义 gloss·ing 英ɡ'lɒsɪŋ美ɡ'lɒsɪŋ COCA⁶⁸⁸⁸⁹BNC⁷¹⁶⁰⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
动词 gloss:
give a shine or gloss to, usually by rubbingprovide interlinear explanations for words or phrasesprovide an interlinear translation of a word or phrasegive a deceptive explanation or excuse forI want all the existing paint stripped off and new undercoat andglossapplied. I want a thorough job, with no half measures.我要把原有的油漆全部铲去,并要涂上新的内涂层和上光剂。我要彻底地干一下,决不马马虎虎。
With this polish you can give a good highglossto the wood.使用这种上光蜡可使木器表面极为光亮平滑。 But there is little evidence of this at Dover Castle, where the actors in the king’s hall convey the development of trial by jury in Plantagenet England without glossing over the hard bits.
但是这种现象在多佛尔城堡见不到,这里的国王大厅的演员们展现着金雀花王朝时代英格兰陪审团审判的发展,对难懂的语句并不做出解释。 ecocn

Instead, Sher claims that“ underground music” is linked by shared values, such as a valuing of grassroots“ reality” over music with“pre- wrapped marketing glossing it up”;
相反, Sher指出,地下音乐其实与分摊价值相关,例如把音乐与基层民众的“现实生活”做成“粗糙的简易包装商品”经销; weliveindalian.com

Wang has a lot to say about the phenomenon, glossing its Chinese cultural context, origins in a child rescue service, and possible implications for what Weibo can be a service.
王对微博用户的随手拍现象感触颇多,在一个随手拍儿童救助计划中,随手拍将中国文化环境和渊源继续发扬光大,此举也暗含微博可以是一个机构。 yeeyan




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