

单词 Glenn
释义 Glenn 英glen美glɛnAHDglĕn 高COCA⁶⁸³³BNC¹²²¹³

made the first orbital rocket-powered flight by a United States astronaut in 1962; later in United States Senate 1921- John Glenn, America's first man to eat anything in the near- weightless environment of Earth orbit, found the task of eating fairly easy, but found the menu to be limited.
约翰•格伦,在地球轨道接近失重的环境中无所不吃的第一位美国人,发现吃东西这个任务相当容易,但是菜单有限。 yeeyan

The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans. Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom” into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year.
但是,奥地利的自由意志论还是有一定市场的,在煽情的福克斯新闻评论家格伦贝克的帮助下,哈耶克的《通往奴役之路》意料之外地一举成为今天上半年的畅销书。 ecocn

INPROX is developing the sensors under supervision of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA under terms of a Space Act AgreementSAA with NASA Glenn Research Center.
根据美国国家航空航天管理局 NASA格伦研究中心太空法案协议的条款, INPROX公司对传感器的开发接受 NASA的监督。 www.etiri.com.cn

Protesters on the National Mall also put up a sign with the word“ dream”, pointing to Martin Luther King Jr., and the word“ nightmare”, pointing to Glenn Beck.
在国家大草坪举行抗议的人们还立了一块牌子,上面的“梦想”字眼指向马丁.路德.金,而“恶梦”的词则指向格伦.贝克。 tingvoa

The goal was to change the tone, to ease the bitterness of the war, according to John K. Glenn, who heads the foreign policy program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
美国德国马歇尔基金会对外政策项目负责人约翰.格伦认为,布什欧洲之行的目的是改变调子,缓和战争给美国和欧洲盟友之间造成的不愉快。 ebigear




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