

单词 AMM
释义 AMMCOCA²¹³⁵²⁶
Nanometer tungsten nitride powders were synthesized as amm onium metatungstate by means of spray drying, calcination, milling and nitration in pure ammonia.
以偏钨酸氨为原料,采用喷雾干燥、焙烧、球磨和纯氨氮化工艺进行了氮化钨粉体制备研究。 dictall

The agricultural machinery manufactures AMM has played an important role in the machinery industry system. And it has irreplaceable function to realize the agricultural modernization.
农机制造业在机械工业体系中占有举足轻重的地位,且对于农业现代化的实现有着不可替代的作用。 cnki

With the unceasing emergence of the new AMM, at present, there are dozens of kinds AMM proposed at home and abroad. Also its basic thought has obtained the widespread approval.
新的 AMM不断涌现,目前国内外已提出的 AMM多达数十种,且其基本理念已得到了广泛的认同。 iciba

Also AMM could be applied for urban discharge design, but the conversion of recurrence will be done.
年最大值法也可在城市排水中应用,但必须作重现期转换。 cnki

Based on the theory of Industry Organization, the paper uses the Concentrative Ratio, Herfindahl- Hirschman Index, Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient to analyze AMM's concentrative degree.
运用产业组织相关理论、集中度系数、赫芬达尔—赫希曼指数、洛伦茨曲线和基尼系数分析了我国农机工业集中度现状。 cnki

Correspondingly, there is less study on the organization structure in the present AMM.
与之相应的是,目前 AMM的研究中有关组织结构问题的研究较少。 iciba

How is the AMM configured so that the alerts will reach the client's help desk?

I amm not sure about that.
我不敢肯定是这辆车。 confuciusinstitute

In the structure, AMM presents the modular, the integration, the network, virtual and the ecological tendency.
在结构上, AMM呈现单元化、集成化、网络化、虚拟化与生态化的趋势。 iciba

Objective To study the clinicopathological features, surgical methods, immunohistochemical features, the clinical and pathological causes of misdiagnosis of anorectal malignant melanoma AMM.
目的研究肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤的临床病理特征、手术方式、免疫组化特点及临床及病理误诊原因。 taofanwen

Objective To study the effects of misdiagnosis on the prognosis of anorectal malignant melanoma AMM.
目的探讨肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤 AMM误诊对其预后的影响。 iciba

Objective To study the role of trauma in the pathogenesis of acral malignant melanoma AMM and evaluate current AMM classification system through reviewing clinical- pathological features of AMM.
目的探讨肢端恶性黑素瘤的临床、病理特点和外伤在发病中的意义以及现行分型方法的有效性。 cnki

Objective: To know the value of Anatomic M-mode echocardiography AMM in detecting ventricular wall motion in coronary artery disease.
目的:了解解剖 M型超声心动图对冠心病室壁运动判定的价值。 dictall

Presently, We can offer many types of purified machine with different model and specification to meet the requirement of new-making car OEM and old car's reconstruction& renewal RMM, AMM.
公司现有各类型号、规格的净化器产品,可满足国内大多数车型的新车配套 OEM或在用车的改造和更换 RMM、 AMM的需要。 tdict.com

TES- AMM is at the forefront of environmental recycling technology and services.
工商业污水附加费-东盟章程,是在全国前列的环保回收技术和服务。 iask.sina.com.cn

Therefore, establishing a new organization mode suitable to the AMM structurecharacteristic demand has constituted the urgent topic for the AMM research and application.
因此,建立适应 AMM结构特性需求的新的组织模式,已构成 AMM研究和应用的紧迫课题。 cnki

Which of the following caused this problem QUESTION50 Which of the following steps does a customer use to upgrade the firmware on the AMM to the latest level?
以下,形成这个成绩成绩50以下步骤,做了客户使用的 AMM的晋级固件到最新的水平呢?7uj




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