释义 |
Glehnia Root 基本例句 北沙参 Definition: CoastalGlehnia Rootis the dried root of Glehnia littoralis Fr.本品为伞形科植物珊瑚菜 Glehnia littoralis Fr. Glehnia Rootavailable in Chinese Drug Stores, can moisten our lungs and clear the 'hidden heatness' out from our bodies. Best pick should be milky white thin sticks.沙参在药材店有售,功效能润肺止咳,养胃生津。选购时宜拣呈奶白色、细条的为佳。 The Chinese medicine health wine is prepared through soaking ginseng, Dangshen, pseudostellaria root, glehnia root, figwort, red sage and wolfberry fruit in certain weight proportion inside spirit.其主要由人参、党参、太子参、北沙参、玄参、丹参、枸杞子按一定重量配比浸泡于白酒中制备而成。 |