

单词 glazed pottery
释义 glazed pottery短语⁷⁷⁰⁴⁴
The outlook of plumbic- glazed pottery in different regions is different, and closely linked with gray pottery.
不同区域的铅釉陶面貌有别,大都与灰陶制品有着密切的联系。 oaps.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn

Among them, a piece of Sancai glazed pottery plate with blue glaze may be produced at Huangye kiln of Gongyi.
其中出土的蓝釉三彩盘制作精美,推测可能为巩义黄冶窑的产品。 dictall

As a cultural carrier, the tri-coloured glazed pottery always holds the special position in the development of Henan- Luoyang culture.
唐三彩作为一种文化载体,在河洛文化的发展过程中,始终有着特殊的地位。 cnki

Current exposure sources include lead paint, folk remedies, glazed pottery, soil and drinking water in some urban areas with older housing.
目前仍然存在的暴露源包括:铅涂料、民间偏方、陶器、郊区的土壤和饮用水。 yeeyan

From a purely natural soil produced from non- glazed pottery.
由一种纯天然无釉陶土烧制而成。 nuabc

Green- glazed pottery is also abundant in the south, the fire high, hard enamel, but also was the beginning of the development of celadon.
在南方也盛产青釉陶,火度高,釉质较硬,也是后来发展青瓷的开端。 doupeng.blog.artron.net

Plumbic- glazed Pottery was popular late in the southwest, and showed a more distinct regional characteristic.
西南地区铅釉陶流行较晚,且呈现出比较鲜明的地域特征。 oaps.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn

Tri-colored glazed pottery utensils of the Tang Dynasty were usually rounded and full in SHAPE, in accordance with the aesthetic values of the time.
唐三彩器物形体圆润、饱满,与唐代艺术的丰满、健美、阔硕的特征是一致的。 ebigear




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