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词汇 glauca
释义 glaucaCOCA⁹³⁵³⁴BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
Festuca cinerea glauca is a new specie of lawn with strong resistance to cold, drought, barren and salt alkalescence.
“基因蓝”草具有很强的耐寒性、耐旱性、耐瘠薄性和耐盐碱性,是一种新型地被植物。 dictall

It showed that Casuarina glauca materials had a prospect of industrialized utilization, the physical and mechanical performances increased gradually with increasing of the laminate panel density.
木麻黄可以进行重组热压,有工业化操作的前景,同时跟着密度的增年夜,其物理力学机能也呈逐渐增年夜的趋向。 haosc

Our work revealed the physiological mechanisms in S. glauca responding to salt and alkali stresses more deeply.
进而更加深入地揭示碱蓬响应盐碱胁迫的生理机制。 fabiao

The anther wall of Setaria glauca consists of four layers: epidermis, endothecium , mid-dle layer and tapetum.
金色狗尾草花药壁分四层,即表皮、内壁、中层、绒毡层。 cnki

The characters of limestone soil and its influence on the growth of Phyuostachys glauca McCl- were studied in this paper.
动用数理统计方法,研究了石灰岩土壤的特点及土壤因子对淡竹生长的影响。 dictall

The floristic composition and the species diversity of Cyclobalanopsis glauca forest in Gutian Mountain Nature Reserve of Zhejiang province were analyzed.
分析了浙江古田山自然保护区青冈林的植物区系组成和群落物种多样性。 magsci

A South American shrub or small tree Nicotiana glauca naturalized in the United States and having yellow flowers and thick, rubbery, oval or lance-shaped leaves.
一种南美灌木或小乔木,拉了名为光烟叶烟草属 ,已在美国引进种植,开黄色花朵,生有橡胶状椭圆形或长条形叶子。

Ancient documents indicate that bamboo has been distributed for over 3000 years, Phyllostachys glauca as the dominant species.
据历史记载,洛宁竹子3000年前已有广泛分布,以淡竹为主。 cnki

Caloric values of leaf, branch and stem are different with various diameter classes of Cyclobanopsis glauca population.
青冈种群各径级样木叶、枝、干的热值随径级不同而异。 cnki

Gap disturbance had different effects on the density, frequency, distribution of size class, spatial distribution pattern, radial growth pattern of Neolitsea aurata var. glauca population.
林隙干扰对缙云山白毛新木姜子种群密度、频度、径级分布、空间分布格局、径向生长都有不同程度影响。 cnki

Results shows that there are13 pelagic sharks occurring in the Atlantic longline catch and dominant species are short makoIsurus oxyrinchus and blue sharkPrionace glauca.
结果表明:延绳钓渔业共兼捕13种鲨鱼,其中,尖吻鲭鲨和大青鲨是优势种类。 cnki

Ruichang City has the most resource of Phyllostachys glauca in Jiangxi Province.
瑞昌市的淡竹资源名列全省第一。 dictall

The experiments showed that the inoculation effect on Casuarina glauca was distinct.
试验结果表明:粗枝木麻黄接种弗兰克氏菌对提高其生长量效果显著。 dictall

To investigate the effect of Cyclobalanopsis glauca root on liver function in high serum glucose and serum lipid model rats.
目的探讨铁椆根调节高糖高脂大鼠肝功能的作用。 dictall




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