

单词 Glaswegian
释义 Glas·we·gian 英glæsˈwiːdʒən, glæz-美glæsˈwidʒən, glæz-AHDglăs-wēʹjən, glăz- COCA¹⁹⁸⁸¹⁶BNC⁴⁹⁹²⁶
adj.Glasgow 的n.Glasgow 市民复数glaswegians Glasgow and Edinburgh are even closer, but the short vowels of Edinburgh's accent become the trailing cadences of Glaswegian speech in the space of40 miles65Km.
格拉斯哥和爱丁堡相距更近,不过相比爱丁堡人普遍的短元音,格拉斯哥人则可以把尾抑扬顿挫音地拖到40英里以外。 blog.sina.com.cn

He loved my way with art history. I loved his Glaswegian accent. We ended up at his hotel.
他喜欢我的艺术史,我爱他的格拉斯哥口音。我们在他的旅馆处告别。 yeeyan

He loved my way with art history. I loved his Glaswegian accent.
他喜欢我的艺术史,我爱他的格拉斯哥口音。 yeeyan

My good friend Dave, formerly the Glaswegian Miserablist, tries to help out. “ Come join me at Ibrox, the home of fair- play and sportsmanship.”
我的好朋友、前格拉斯哥悲惨世界成员达夫也试图帮助我:“来和我一起去 Ibrox球场,公平竞赛和体育精神的家园。” blog.sina.com.cn

Not quite sure how Google worked that out, but I’m sure my Glaswegian accent wasn’t taken in to account when Google did voice trials.
不大清楚 Google是如何处理这些的,但是我很肯定我的格拉斯哥口音在 Google进行语音测试的时候没有被考虑进去。 yeeyan




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