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词汇 amity
释义 amity ˈæməti 
n.人或国之间的友好关系friendly relationship between people or countries
a cordial dispositiona state of friendship and cordialityenmity,amity


enmity是“憎恨”、“敌意”、“敌对”hatred or a state of hostility。

amity意思是“友谊”、“亲善”friendship or friendly relations。

发音释义:'æmɪtɪ n. 友好;亲善关系;友好关系
结构分析:amity = ami朋友+ty名词后缀→朋友情谊→友好关系
同源词:amiable和蔼可亲的,amicable友好的,amigo朋友in amity with与 … 友好相处…
GRE红宝书ami拼: 阿眯, ty表状态-阿眯状态-友好, 和睦我们学了三个ami阿眯开头的单词, 都有亲切友好的意思.
am I 我是.名词,我是友好
方振宇词汇奥秘am爱+ity名词后缀→有爱的关系→和睦,友好关系am友爱+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态⇒友好,亲善关系。词根记忆am爱,情爱+ ity ⇒友好关系词根记忆am+ity状态=爱的状态=和睦近义词 peace和平enmity敌意harmony和谐goodwill善意friendship友谊fellowship友谊cordiality热诚friendliness友好compatibility和谐共处反义词 enmity敌意hostility敌意

用作名词He lives inamitywith his neighbours.他和他的邻居相处得很和睦。
For a county,amitybetween nations is important.对于一个国家,与各国友好相处是很重要的。
Not olny you but aslo your wife areamitywith me.你和你的妻子对我都很友好。
They parted on a high plane ofamityand Christian helpfulness.他们在十分友好、洋溢着基督教徒助人为乐精神的气氛中分了手。
They have happily shown that they can maintain the relations of peace andamitywith other states.他们已愉快地表明可以与其他国家保持和平友好关系。noun.friendship
同义词 amicableness,benevolence,comity,concord,cordiality,friendliness,goodwill,harmony,kindliness,neighborliness,togethernessgood vibrations,hitting it off,same wavelength,simpatico
反义词 aloofness,disagreement,discord,hostility,ill willdislike,hatred
agreementnoun concurrence
agreementsnoun concurrence
charitynoun kindness, compassion
affection,agape,altruism,amity,attachment,benevolence,benignity,bountifulness,bounty,caritas,clemency,fellow feeling,generosity,goodness,goodwill,grace,humaneness,humanity,indulgence,kindliness,lenity,love,magnanimity,mercy,tenderheartedness
companionshipnoun friendship, accompaniment
affiliation,alliance,amity,camaraderie,company,comradeship,conviviality,esprit de corps,rapport,society,togetherness,union
compatibilitynoun harmony in relationship
concordnoun unity, harmony
accord,agreement,amity,calmness,chime,comity,concert,concordance,consensus,consonance,friendship,goodwill,peace,placidity,rapport,serenity,tranquility,tune,unanimity,understanding,unison And there are only fitful signs of renewed amity among diplomats.
在外交领域仅有点重新友好关系的迹象。 ecocn

His eyes glowed even while he affected a smile of amity and a gesture of courtesy, at parting.
尽管他勉强笑一下,很有礼貌地挥手告别,可是眼睛中燃烧着怒火。 jukuu

In politics, Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia and the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity were signed between China and ASEAN.
政治上,中国与东盟签署《东南亚友好合作条约》和《面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系联合宣言》; ecocn

It acceded to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, a cornerstone of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and a document the Bush administration had refused to sign.
白宫签署了东盟的友好关系和合作条约,一篇对东盟极其重要但布什政府拒绝签署的条约。 yeeyan

The Book of History, an ancient classic in China for example, advocates amity among people and friendly exchanges among nations.
中国古老的经典——《尚书》就提出“百姓昭明,协和万邦”的理想,主张人民和睦相处,国家友好往来。 ebigear

The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia is a good lesson for them.
东南亚国家的友好合作条约为他们建立了一个好榜样。 yeeyan

A sign of US-China amity, or a continental alliance against governments and movements small Mafias that the big Mafias don't like?
一个标志中美友好的合作,还是仅仅大陆间的联盟对抗某些政府和某些运动那些大帮会所不喜欢的小黑帮? yeeyan

APPRECIATING China being the first Dialogue Partner to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia in 2003;
赞赏中国于2003年成为第一个正式加入《东南亚友好合作条约》的对话伙伴; putclub

But sometimes, according to writer Amity Reed, a woman isn't asked permission.
不过,据作家阿米提•瑞德所说,有的时候他们并不征询准妈妈的同意。 yeeyan

China will encourage more enterprises to invest in Africa and ask them to shoulder more social responsibilities and live in amity with the local people.
中国鼓励更多企业赴非洲投资,引导中国企业更多承担社会责任,同当地人民和睦相处。 putclub

China advocates amity not animosity; cooperation not confrontation; mutual trust not suspicion; and treating each other as equals not imposing on others.
我们主张对外要友好,不要敌视;要合作,不要对抗;要互相信任,不要相互猜疑;要平等相待,不要强加于人。 kekenet

Ethnic groups who believe in Islam have lived in amity with other ethnic groups and jointly promoted national development and social progress.
信仰伊斯兰教的民族,同其他各个民族和睦相处,共同推动了国家发展和社会进步。 hjenglish

Europe is particularly intoxicated by the possibility of restoring amity with America in an Obama presidency.
欧洲尤其对修复与奥巴马任总统的美国的友好关系的可能性感到特别兴奋。 yeeyan

For example, countries in Southeast Asia signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in 1976, calling for peaceful settlements of disputes.
比如,东南亚国家在1976年签署了友好合作条约,要求和平解决纠纷。 yeeyan

Forgiveness promotes the feeling of harmony and amity.
宽恕增进和睦和友好的感情。 iciba

Peace, amity, cooperation and development are not only the common aspirations of the people of the three countries, but also required for the stability and prosperity in the region.

Some sleep instead on sofas in their offices, in some cases expressly to avoid being seduced by the pernicious amity of Washington.
有些议员连睡觉干脆都在办公室的沙发上凑合了事,有时候明言拒绝华盛顿险恶友好关系的诱惑。 ecocn

That is the only way to promote amity and unity.

The Chinese Government has decided to enter into the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, hoping that the two sides could accelerate the relevant legal procedures.

Two nations that appreciate and learn from each other should be able to live in amity and progress together.

Yet the ferocity of the debate over the Islamic courts may be a sign that the usual amity between Christians and Muslims might be breaking down.
然而,对伊斯兰教法庭争议的激烈状态也许只能说明一个事实,即基督教与穆斯林之间的日常仇恨将终归要爆发。 ecocn




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