

单词 glancing
释义 glanc·ing 英ˈglænsɪŋ美ˈglænsɪŋAHDglănʹsĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹¹¹¹³BNC⁹⁰⁷¹iWeb⁴⁰⁶⁸²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
动词 glance:
throw a glance at; take a brief look athit at an angleglance扫视glancing angle掠射角glancing incidence切线入射,掠入射…
glanc-ing动名词⇒adj.斜的动词glance的现在分词形式.近义词 lateral侧面的oblique间接的sideways向旁边sidelong倾斜地slanting倾斜的partial不完全的tangential离题的

用作形容词The glass hit him aglancingblow on the forehead.那玻璃从侧面击中他的额头。as in.passing
同义词 cursory,fleeting,superficialephemeral,fugitive,quick,shallow,short,slight,temporary,transientevanescent,fugacious,hasty,impermanent,momentary,short-lived,transitory
反义词 thorough,enduring,large,lasting,long,permanent,tall,thicklong-lasting
passingadjective brief, casual
cursory,ephemeral,evanescent,fleeting,fugacious,fugitive,hasty,impermanent,momentary,quick,shallow,short,short-lived,slight,superficial,temporary,transient,transitory In his tan coveralls Joseph Bingham now walked up the driveway of one of these houses, glancing at his watch.
身着棕褐色工作服的约瑟夫·宾厄姆走上了雪松庄园其中一间房子的车道,边走边看手表。 yeeyan

On the screen in front of him, a woman in high- heeled black boots clicks up a driveway toward a darkened house while glancing fearfully over her shoulder.
他前面的电视屏幕上,一个女子穿着黑色高跟靴子,在私家车道上咔哒咔哒朝一座昏暗的房子走去,担惊受怕地扭过头瞅了一眼。 yeeyan

The impacting planet made a hard, but glancing blow off Earth at just the right angle.
撞击行星以一个恰当的角度硬生生地几乎是一瞬间地砸向了地球。 yeeyan

Their entrees arrived, and they ate together in silence in the windowless, paneled room, glancing around at the other diners.
主菜到了,他们就坐在这个没有窗户镶嵌着墙板的房间里默默吃着,时而环视着四周其他的菜肴。 yeeyan

When a child arrived late, I went through an elaborate ceremony of taking the watch from my pocket and staring at its face; far more dramatic than glancing at a wristwatch.
孩子们迟到时,我如同检查一次精心准备的典礼,从口袋中拿出怀表,并盯着表盘看上一会儿;这比看手表舒服多了。 club.edu.sina.com.cn

When first glancing at Jacob's pioneering designs, critics may see added risk, added costs, and yes, added passengers.
雅各布的前卫设计一问世,很多批评就接踵而来,包括成本的增加,当然,固然增减旅客。 yeeyan

“ All the siblings of the graduates, please, stand.” I slipped lower in my seat, glancing hurriedly around, hoping to remain invisible.
“所有即将毕业的同学们,请起立。”我靠在座位上,身子藏得更低了,眼睛快速地向周围扫视了一下,但愿没人看得见我。 ebigear

“ Then why not reveal them here?” asked Roger Chillingworth, glancing quietly aside at the minister.
“那么,何必不及时说出来呢?” 罗杰·齐灵渥斯平静地斜睨着牧师说。 hjenglish

“ This is an amazing facility,” Abaddon said, glancing around as they moved down the massive corridor.
“这个设施真令人惊叹.”他们走在宽阔的走廊里,阿巴登环顾着四周说. ecocn

“Toby!” Matthew said, glancing pointedly at Hattie, who dragged us both to our feet, almost tipping from my reluctant weight.
马修说着,眼睛瞟向海蒂。 她把我们俩拖拽了起来,我不情不愿,她几乎被我的重量拉翻在地。 yeeyan

He ignored most of the cameras, glancing in their direction a few times as he adjusted the fit of his baseball cap.
他坐在大巴上靠窗的位子,对蜂拥而至的镜头不予理会,只是在整理他的棒球帽时瞥他们几眼。 kekenet

I hear a muffled sniffling noise and glancing at Clare I am astonished to see that tears are streaming across her face toward her ears.
我听见一声模糊的抽噎的声音然后看了一下克莱尔惊讶的看到在她的脸上,眼泪向着她的耳朵流去。 yeeyan

I kept glancing down at my left arm and was surprised to see a naked wrist.
我时不时地低头瞄下左臂,看到裸露的手腕时不免有些惊讶。 yeeyan

I know this by occasionally glancing up from the TV.
偶尔看电视时我知道了这一点。 yeeyan

In the final sequence we see the President, sitting in his darkened office and doing Sudoku, and occasionally glancing at his lifeless mobile devices.
在最后一幕我们看到了总统先生,坐在他昏暗的办公室玩着数独,并且偶尔瞥一眼自己那了无生气的移动设备。 yeeyan

Nick said, glancing at me over the carburetor.
尼克从化油器上抬眼瞟了我一下,问道。 yeeyan

Scrabbling around in your pocket to dig out a phone may not be as elegant as glancing at a watch, but it saves splashing out on two gadgets.
在口袋里翻来翻去找一只手机虽然并不如低头审视手表优雅,但是你用不着花两份钱了。 yeeyan

She came in; and after glancing round her for a moment with an uncertain air, stood pressing her small hands hard together, close within the door.
她走进去了;在露出半信半疑的神态向四周环视了一会儿之后,她把小手紧紧地握在一起,紧挨在门口。 kekenet

The sun’s glancing rays are spread over a greater surface area and must travel through more of the atmosphere before reaching the earth.
太阳射线分布在更大的表面积上,必须通过更厚的大气层中才能到达地表。 yeeyan

The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold.
接待她的售货员不喜欢她的那副打扮,轻蔑地看了她一眼后,便告诉她那件衣服已经卖出去了. hjenglish

We sat on a spot where the moonbeams fell glancing off the top of the outer enclosure, and there dined off the eatables we had brought with us.
我们在一个地方坐定,那里可以看见月光掠过外面的围墙顶上,我们吃光了随身带来的东西。 yeeyan

Glancing at the windows to her kids' rooms she can see that they got up15 and20 minutes ago and are already in the kitchen.
瞥了一眼孩子房间的窗口,他看到他们在在15和20分钟前已经起床,现在已经在厨房里。 yeeyan

Glancing into one front room, I saw a woman blow- drying her puppy with a hairdryer attached to a car battery.
我朝一间屋里瞥了一眼,看见一个女人正用电吹风吹干她的小狗,而电吹风是接在一个汽车电池上的。 yeeyan




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