

单词 amiri
释义 amiri
Mr Amiri’s strange odyssey, Iranian jubilation and American embarrassment are all, somehow, part of this secret war.
阿米里奇特的经历,伊朗的欢庆以及美国的尴尬都是这场秘密战争的一部分。 ecocn

The United States, which has denied kidnapping Amiri, has not commented on the latest developments.
美国否认绑架了阿米里,目前尚未对最新的事件进展表态。 tingvoa

A Pakistani foreign ministry official said Iranian officials in Washington had told him they were working on arranging Amiri's repatriation to Iran.
一名巴基斯坦外交部官员称,在华盛顿的伊朗官员告诉他,他们正在安排将阿米里送回伊朗。 tingvoa

ABC News cites unnamed sources who say Shahram Amiri disappeared in2009 as part of a long- planned operation to get him out of Iran and resettled in the United States.
美国广播公司援引未透露姓名的消息人士的话说,伊朗核专家沙赫拉姆。阿米里2009年失踪,他长期以来一直计划逃离伊朗,现已在美国定居。 www.voa365.com

American officials say that Mr Amiri was a willing defector who has returned home at his own wish, having, according to the Washington Post, received$5m for information.
美国官员表示: Amiri先生是位自愿背叛者,他是自愿回国的,据《华盛顿邮报》报道,他已经收到500万美元的情报费。 ecocn

An Iranian nuclear scientist, Shahram Amiri, has returned home claiming that American agents kidnapped him.
沙赫拉姆•埃米尔,一位伊朗的核科学家在回家后宣称美国特工绑架了他。 ecocn

Another possibility, with cold-war echoes, is that Mr Amiri was a fake: loyal to his government all along, and on a mission to find out America’s unanswered questions about Iran.
另一种可能性就是如同冷战时一样,阿梅里是假装投靠美国:一直忠于自己的政府,并且是带着找出美国对于伊朗悬而未决的问题的使命。 ecocn

For his own and his family’s safety, Mr Amiri may well wish to stress that his disappearance from Iran, perhaps with secrets about its suspected nuclear- weapons programme, was involuntary.
为了自己及其家人的安全着想,阿米里很有可能会强调自己是被迫离开伊朗的,离开时也许带着伊朗可疑的核武器计划秘密。 ecocn

Iran has repeatedly accused the CIA of abducting Amiri.
伊朗曾多次指责中央情报局绑架了阿米里。 www.china.org.cn

Mr Amiri vanished during a visit to Saudi Arabia in June2009.
2009年6月,阿米里在沙特阿拉伯朝觐期间失踪。 ecocn

State media reported that Shahram Amiri was asking for a quick return to Tehran.
伊朗国家媒体报导说,阿米里要求迅速返回德黑兰。 tingvoa

What happened to Amiri and how he came to be in the United States remains unclear.
至于在阿米里身上发生了什么,他如何出现在美国,还不得而知。 www.china.org.cn

Amiri said he had been kidnapped, but the United States said he wasn't held against his will.
阿米里自己也表示他被绑架,但是美国否认对其强制扣留。 www.china.org.cn

Amiri, a nuclear physicist in his30s, vanished in June2009.
核物理学家阿米里现年30多岁,2009年6月失踪。 www.360abc.com

Amiri said he suffered extreme mental and physical torture at the hands of U. S. interrogators.
阿米里称,他遭受了美国审问人员极端的精神及肉体折磨; www.china.org.cn




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