

单词 Glades
释义 Glades gleɪdz
The quiet childhood of Humanity, spent in the far-off forest glades and by the murmuring rivers, is gone forever;
在遥远的森林空地上,在潺潺的小河流水旁,人类度过了安静的童年,那些日子已经一去不复返了; www.360doc.com

The artless flute- strains of his lyrics awoke within me the music of fields and forest- glades.
他的抒情诗中的那种天真活泼的笛子旋律,唤醒了我心中沉睡的田野和林沼之歌。 yeeyan

The young would gather in leafy glades or ornamental gardens, where they would listen to music and hear poetry read, then they would stroll off with their valentin together into the gardens.
年轻人会聚集在林间空地或者怡人花园之中,欣赏音乐和诗歌,然后和情人徜徉于花园之中。 www.isabellachen.blogbus.com

They have ventured into the drowsy glades of badly managed companies and they have stormed the citadels of multinationals.
他们冒险进入如同沉睡的沼泽一般的管理不善的公司并且向大型跨国公司的城堡发起冲击。 ecocn




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