

单词 gladden
释义 glad·den 英ˈglædn美ˈglædņAHDglădʹn ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴⁹⁰⁵³BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺iWeb³⁶⁶⁸⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
make glad or happybecome glad or happyglad-den⇒v.使高兴;使愉快v.使欢喜;使高兴;使愉快;使喜悦;使快乐;欢喜;高兴;快乐;喜悦近义词 joy欢乐cheer欢呼delight高兴hearten鼓励elate使兴奋comfort舒适inspire鼓舞content 内容brighten使变亮animate使有生气please请=plzcheer up高兴起来exhilarate使高兴rejoice使高兴反义词 sadden使黯淡

用作动词This willgladdenthe people in both town and country.这样,城乡人民都会感到高兴。
Flowers freshen up our homes andgladdenour hearts.鲜花让我们的房间充满生机,让我们心情舒畅。
Refresh andgladdenmy spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers.请振奋和愉悦我的灵魂,净化我的心田,激发我的力量。verb.please
同义词 brighten,cheer,delight,elate,hearten,warmmake happy
反义词 bring down,depress,discourage,dishearten
amuseverb entertain;make laugh
break one up,charm,cheer,crack up,delight,divert,fracture,grab,gratify,interest,kill,knock dead,make roll in the aisles,occupy,panic,please,put away,regale,slay,tickle,wow
animateverb bring to life
activate,arouse,cheer,embolden,encourage,energize,enliven,exalt,excite,fire,gladden,hearten,impel,incite,inform,inspire,inspirit,instigate,invigorate,kindle,liven,make alive,move,quicken,revive,revivify,rouse,spark,spur,stimulate,stir,urge,vitalize,vivify
brightenverb make happy, feel better
become cheerful,buck up,buoy up,cheer,cheer up,clear up,encourage,enliven,gladden,hearten,improve,look up,perk up
cheerverb make someone feel happier
animate,brace up,brighten,buck up,buoy,comfort,console,elate,elevate,embolden,encourage,enliven,exhilarate,give a lift,gladden,hearten,help,incite,inspirit,let the sun shine in,perk up,pick up,put on cloud nine,put on top of the world,snap out of it,solace,steel,strengthen,uplift,upraise,warm
cheer upverb make cheerful
comfortverb soothe, console, cheer up
abate,aid,allay,alleviate,ameliorate,assist,assuage,bolster,buck up,calm,cheer,commiserate with,compose,condole,confirm,console,delight,divert,ease,encourage,enliven,free,gladden,grant respite,hearten,help,inspirit,invigorate,lighten burden,make well,mitigate,nourish,put at ease,quiet fears,reanimate,reassure,refresh,relieve,remedy,revitalize,revive,salve,soften,solace,soothe,strengthen,stroke,succor,support,sustain,sympathize,uphold,upraise As evidence of this, Brian Gladden, its finance chief, points to the net profits of $927m it earned in the three months to late January, almost three times the figure a year earlier.
证据便是,戴尔CFO布莱恩•格拉登指出,截止到今年一月底的三个月里,净收入9.27亿美元,几近去年同期数字的3倍。 ecocn

He is naturally happy at the thought that the work he has done will benefit and gladden his organization and other people.
每当想到自己将在这一天的工作中为单位,为其他人带来效益,带来快乐,自己当然也应该跟着高兴。 ssfeng

It already amounted to selling his soul when he was unable to gladden it.
无法取悦自己灵魂之时便等于是出卖它。 yeeyan

The turn of the Chinese People's War of Liberation from the defensive to the offensive cannot but gladden and inspire these oppressed nations.
中国人民的解放战争由防御转到进攻,不能不引起这些被压迫民族的欢欣鼓舞。 kekenet

Abroad, simple adherence to the elements of diplomacy—turning up for meetings, answering letters, negotiating calmly— will gladden Poland's friends and neighbours.
在国外,仅仅是与外交沾边——参加会议、回复信件和冷静谈判——就会让波兰的朋友们和邻居们引以为荣。 ecocn

At its annual analyst meeting, Chief Financial Officer Brian Gladden said the company's PC business, which is around 60 percent of its revenue, faces some challenges.
在其年度分析会上,首席财务官 Brian Gladden认为占公司收入60%的个人电脑业务,将面临一些挑战。 yeeyan

Brian Gladden, Dell's chief financial officer, said in an interview that demand for consumer PCs dropped off in the second half of the quarter.
布莱恩格莱登,戴尔的财务总监,在一次采访中说消费者对于个人电脑的需求在第二季度的后期有所下降。 aitrans

Dell Chief Financial Officer Brian Gladden, in a call with reporters, blamed the margin squeeze on higher memory and liquid- crystal display expenses.
戴尔公司首席财务官布莱恩·格拉登,表示成本涨幅主要来源于液晶显和内存。 yeeyan

During a conference call, Gladden said the back-to- school shopping season has also been“ a little weaker than we would have expected.”
在电话会议期间,格莱登说开学购物季节也是“比我们预期的稍弱”。 aitrans

She neglects all the cheerful exercises which gladden the spirits, quicken the pulses, and send the tide of life in healthful currents through the veins.
她对所有欢愉之事视而不见,尽管它们能振奋精神、加速心跳,让生命的洪流沿着体内的脉管健康地涌动。 douban

The idea of jobless bankers may gladden some souls; the brain should reserve judgment.
可能有些人一想到还有有失业银行家这回事就偷着乐:有智慧的头脑应该留有判断力。 ecocn

These wonderful essences, represented on this disk, will amuse your works and will gladden your clients.
这些美好的本质,这个磁盘上的代表,会逗你的作品,并会格拉登您的客户。 cgfriend

This colorful game will gladden all the fans of this game genre.
这丰富多彩的游戏将这个游戏流派的所有球迷欢欣鼓舞。 ntexe.com

Worship your God. Gladden the heart of a child.
崇拜上帝,使孩子满心欢喜。 xinlingzl

Gladden the heart of a child.




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