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givens 基本例句 n.吉文斯 And what are these “ givens” of existence? 什么是存在的“给定”呢? douban The winner of a nationwide contest to find the commuter, with the longest trek, Givens is one of millions of people who are commuting longer and farther than ever before. 吉文斯在全国上下班最长旅行竞赛中获得冠军。数百万美国人的上下班往返时间比以前更长、距离更远,吉文斯就是其中一员。 ebigear “ If I had My Druthers” Fantasy: Create fantasy solutions with no rules or“ givens” including physical laws like gravity or market realities. “如果我有我的选择”幻想:没有规则的产生幻想来解决或者“给予”包括物理定律如低下吸引力或者市场规律。 lwgsw According to the processing procedure of query pre-compiler, this paper givens the general design and implementation of syntax analysis, semantics analysis in MDBI query pre-compiler. 按照查询预处理的处理过程,分别描述了 MDBI查询预处理器中词法分析、语法分析、语义分析的设计和实现。 cnki But as harrowing or tedious as Givens’ trip may sound, he says it’s the way to keep the home and job he loves. 尽管吉文斯的旅程听上去让人心痛或单调乏味,他说这是保持自己所爱的家庭与工作的方法。 ebigear Contradictions and inconsistencies are givens, too. 反驳和矛盾同样也是给予。 yeeyan Dave Givens drives370 miles to work and back every day and considers his seven- hour commute the best answer to balancing his work with his personal life. 戴夫-吉文斯每天上下班要开车370英里,他认为7个小时的上下班往返时间是平衡其工作与个人生活的最佳答案。 edu.sina.com.cn Family life is a set of givens, someone once told me, and it takes courage to see certain givens as blessings rather than as curses. 家庭生活是一系列的给予,曾经有人告诉我,真正的将他人的给予看成恩赐而非诅咒是需要勇气的。 yeeyan In 1988, as his career soared, he married actress Robin Givens. 1988年,在职业生涯的高峰,泰森与演员 Robin Given结婚。 yeeyan In the late1950s, a go-getting mayor, Philip Givens, commissioned a major Moore sculpture, The Archer, for its new City Hall. 在1950年后期,一位具有野心的市长,菲利普·吉文思,为其新的城市大厦安放了一件摩尔重要的作品——《弓箭手》。 yeeyan Naturally, some aspects of a Total War game are“ givens”: a turn based strategy game and real time battles. 当然,全面战争系列游戏的一些方面是“从来就有”的:一个回合制的战略游戏和实时战术战场。 clanlong Objective: To compare normal rat and rat with chronic spinal cord injury SCI with CMG and EUS after intravesical capsaicin or givens. 目的:明确辣椒素对正常大鼠和慢性脊髓损伤 SCI大鼠排尿功能的影响和作用的可能机制。 http://dj.iciba.com Picture is Mr. David Givens, General Manager of the hotel right welcomed Mr. Leo Ku left. 图为酒店总经理葛文思先生右热情欢迎古巨基先生左。 worldwidehotel Picture is Mr. David Givens, General Manager of the hotel right welcomed Mr. Sun Nan left. 图为酒店总经理葛文思先生右热情欢迎孙楠先生左。 blog.sina.com.cn Picture is Mr. David Givens, General Manager of the hotel right welcomed Ms. Wan Fang left. 图为酒店总经理葛文思先生右热情欢迎万芳女士左。 blog.sina.com.cn Picture is Mr. David Givens, General Manager of the hotel right welcomed Ms. Coco Lee left. 图为酒店总经理葛文思先生右热情欢迎李玟小姐左。 nmgtl The result iS unanimity to solve error equations using Givens Transformations and using the least square method. 用吉文斯变换法解算误差方程的结果与用最小二法解算的结果是一致的。 cnki Things you once took for granted, such as negligible latency between servers, are no longer givens. 以前想当然的东西,比如服务器之间无足轻重的延迟,现在不再理所当然。 ibm This paper presents a new analyzer of stabilizing laser microsmission spectroscopic by magnetic field. calculating formulae and experimental results are givens. 本文介绍了一种新的磁场约束的激光显微发射光谱分析装置,给出了计算公式和实验结果。 cnki This is a poem about bending and breaking, forms, the material givens of the world. 这是个关于曲折和中断的诗,形式,这个世界给我们的原料。 v.163.com When PT asked volunteers to try out some of Givens' courting techniques, the results were mixed. 我们要求志愿者尝试一些给定的诱惑技巧,结果喜忧参半。 yeeyan |