a drawback or difficulty that is not readily evident;it sounds good but what's the catch?
something unspecified whose name is either forgotten or not known;she eased the ball-shaped doodad back into its socket
there may be some great new gizmo around the corner that you will want to use
any clever maneuver;he would stoop to any device to win a point
it was a great sales gimmick
a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen
近义词 ploy策略trick诡计stunt特技thing东西twist缠绕catch赶上device装置tactic战略promotion提升thingummy某某Gismo机械装置doohickey窍门gizmo小玩意儿gubbins小装置noveltyC新奇doodad小装饰品thingamajig某某whatchamacallit某某thingumajig装置某件thingumabobthingamabob的…thingamabob(用以指某人或某…widget(某公司的典型小产品…whatsis不知道叫什么的人或物…doojigger叫不出名称的小玩意…whatchamacallumwhatchamacal…thingmajig叫不出名称的小玩意…thingmabob叫不出名称的小玩意…
用作名词But this is surely no more than a populist gimmick.但这无疑只是一个民粹主义者的小花招罢了。
The advertisement is just a gimmick to make consumers buy their products.宣传只是一种使消费者买他们产品的花招。