

单词 gilded
释义 gild·ed 英'ɡɪldɪd美'ɡɪldɪd 高COCA¹⁸¹⁶⁴BNC¹⁶⁸⁵¹iWeb¹⁷⁹³⁰Economist¹⁴⁸¹⁷
having the deep slightly brownish color of gold;

long aureate or golden hair

a gold carpet

based on pretense; deceptively pleasing;

the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility

meretricious praise

a meretricious argument

rich and superior in quality;

a princely sum

gilded dining rooms

made from or covered with gold;

gold coins

the gold dome of the Capitol

the golden calf

gilded icons

gild镀金gilded chamber英国上议院gilded youth千金之子,纨绔子弟…
GRE难词记忆gilded→glide v.滑行,滑动→镀金的滑行器GRE难词记忆gilded→gild v.镀金+ed→镀金的 glidev.滑行,滑动⇒镀金的滑行器近义词 gilt镀金golden金的gold金色的grand重大的deluxe豪华的aureate金色的opulent富裕的princely王子的sumptuous华丽的luxurious奢侈的gold-plated镀金的specious似是而非的meretricious华而不实的

用作形容词Agildedtemple glittered in the distance.远处,一座镀金的庙宇闪闪发光。
The sun transformed thegildedcupolas into dazzling points of light.太阳将这些镀金的圆屋顶变成了闪耀的光点。adj.adorned in metal
同义词 luxurious,ornatefestoonedaureate,gaudy,meretricious,prosperous,tawdry
goldadjective golden
golderadjective golden
goldestadjective golden
ornateadjective fancily decorated
richadjective having a lot of money
affluent,bloated,comfortable,easy,fat,fat-cat,filthy rich,flush,gilded,in clover,in the money,independent,loaded,made of money,moneyed,opulent,plush,propertied,prosperous,rolling in it,swimming,upscale,uptown,wealthy,well provided for,well-heeled,well-off,well-to-do,worth a million
richeradjective having a lot of money
affluent,bloated,comfortable,easy,fat,filthy rich,flush,gilded,in clover,in the money,independent,loaded,made of money,moneyed,opulent,plush,propertied,prosperous,rolling in it,swimming,upscale,uptown,wealthy,well provided for,well-heeled,well-off,well-to-do,worth a million America’s Gilded Age began after the national trauma that was the Civil War and a remarkable period of Reconstruction that saw significant internal development and stabilization.
美国的“镀金时代”开始于内战造成的创伤之后,有一个显著的重建时期,可以看到明显的内部发展和国家的稳定。 yeeyan

But a peek at the numbers behind the numbers suggests that Mr Krugman has been misled: far from a new Gilded Age, America is experiencing a period of unprecedented material equality.
但是看一看数字后面所隐藏的内容你就会发现,克鲁曼错了:美国正在经历前所未有的物质平等时代,而绝不是新的镀金时代。 ecocn

Despite the gilded mermaids and white pianos of his ludicrous quarters in Tripoli, he preferred to live in a tent, and always travelled abroad with one.
虽然在其可笑的的黎波里总部,他拥有镀金的美人鱼沙发,和白色钢琴,他仍然更中意住在帐篷里,而且每次出国都要带一套。 yeeyan

Unlike the residents of great northern cities, or gilded areas of the south, middling suburbia has no tribal or historical link with either Labour or the Conservatives.
不同于北方大城市的居民,或者南方富有区域的居民,中产阶层的郊区居民跟工党和保守党都没有血缘和历史上的关系。 ecocn




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