

单词 gift shop
释义 gift shop ˈɡɪftʃɒp;ˈɡɪftʃɑːp 短语³⁶⁶⁵⁷

a shop that sells miscellaneous articles appropriate as gifts近义词 novelty shop新奇物品商店…
用作名词There's a littlegift shoparound the corner.在街角附近有一家小礼品店。
Since opening hergift shopin June, Sally has branched out into greetings cards.自从礼品店在六月开张后,莎莉已经扩充业务到卖贺卡了。 The great elephants loom menacingly over me in the moonlight and I wave to them on my way to the little gift shop to the right of the main entrance.
大象在月光下隐约朝我逼来,我朝出口右手边的小礼品店跑去,一路上向他们挥手。 yeeyan

To commemorate your trip, take home a10- or16- inch chainsaw- carved beagle or other breed of your choosing at Conklin and Sullivan’s adjacent gift shop.
至于旅游纪念品,则可以上附近康克林和苏利文的礼品店,选购一个10或16英寸的小猎兔犬锯雕当然也有其他品种的狗狗。 yeeyan

When my best friend and I were young, we went to a fantasy gift shop together.
我和好友小时候一起去一个精品店。 yeeyan

“ I couldn't find anything else in the airport gift shop that wasn't from China, ” Kevin tells me, apologetic.
“在机场的礼品店里我找不到一件不是中国的东西,”凯文抱歉地说。 blog.sina.com.cn

Also, 33 percent said they would go to a specialty store like a florist, gift shop or electronics store.
另有33%的人称他们将去花店、礼品店或电子产品商店等专卖店选购礼物。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Better yet, visit the museum beside it and buy your own twine ball starter kit in the gift shop.
更好的是,可以参观它旁边的博物馆,在礼品店里面买麻线球的入门工具。 kekenet

I don’t want to go to the gift shop and spend more money.
我不想去礼品店花更多的钱。 kekenet

Manages the rooms, the public area, the laundry, the linen room, the gift shop, the fitness center.

The duck is now located in a park and has a gift shop inside.
鸭目前设在一个公园,并礼品店里面。 godeyes

The thieves also ransacked and vandalized the newly opened museum gift shop, which they believed it was the real museum.
盗贼们同样抢劫和肆意破坏新开的博物馆礼品店,他们相信那是真正的博物馆。 yeeyan

The situation worries small business owners like Linda Heckman, who runs a gift shop in a Houston suburb.
这种形势使休斯敦郊外一个礼品店的小店主赫克曼忧心。 ebigear

The gift can be something made or bought from a gift shop.
能很轻松的礼物或买一家礼品店。 yeeyan

Where's the gift shop?




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