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词汇 Giambattista
释义 Giambattista ,pirə'neizi;pi:rɑ:'nezi:;dʒɑ:mbɑ:t'ti:stɑ:
Giambattista, now 17, runs it with the help of friends like Meghan Burke.琳赛今年17岁了,她得到梅根.;博克等朋友的帮助。
Giambattistacalled the store Taylor's Closet, after her twin sister who died at birth.琳赛给这个服装店起名叫“泰勒衣橱”。泰勒是她孪生姐妹的名字,可是她在出生时夭折了。
LindsayGiambattistawas only 14 when she learned about girls in foster care and had a chance to help them.琳赛.;吉亚姆巴蒂斯塔听说了生活在寄养家庭女孩的事情后,觉得正好有机会帮助她们。那年她只有14岁。
With Pastor Sauder's help,Giambattistabegan taking steps toward creating a store just for foster girls in his organization's building.在绍德牧师的帮助下,琳赛开始着手准备在“为了孩子”组织的办公楼里专门为寄养家庭的女孩开办一个商店。
The theories ofGiambattistaVico, Saint Simon and the historians as Augnstin Thierry during the French Restoration all are not the origin of class analysis.所谓“阶级斗争理论的首创者”维科、阶级斗争的“天才发现者”圣西门以及复辟时期的历史学家梯叶里等人的理论都不是阶级分析理论之源。
While there she also attended a party for Chanel's Karl Lagerfeld and joined Beckham to visit the showroom of designerGiambattistaValli, where Holmes chose a dress to wear to his show.对27岁的凯特来说巴黎是很特殊的城市,2005年6月她在埃菲尔铁塔下接受了克鲁斯的求婚。




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