

单词 Giacometti
释义 Gia·co·met·ti 英dʒɑːkəˈmetiː, -kɔːˈmettiː美dʒɑkəˈmɛti, -kɔˈmɛttiAHDjä-kə-mĕtʹē, -kô-mĕtʹtē 高Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
Alberto Giacometti 贾科梅蒂1901-1966,瑞士雕塑家和画家,主要侨居在法国

Swiss sculptor and painter known for his bronze sculptures of elongated figures 1901-1966 As perhaps the most recognizable of all Giacometti sculptures, “ Walking Man I” is itself a trophy piece.
《行走的人 I》可能是贾科梅蒂所有已知的雕塑作品中的巅峰之作。 yeeyan

In dialogue with the dresses, Shi Zhongying's works draw references from Giacometti's sinewy forms to create cocoon-like figures in various poses.
与服装遥相呼应的是史钟颖作品,其作品引用贾科梅蒂健硕的外型,创造出形态各异的人物姿势。 exhibit.99ys.com

Tehran’s Museum of Contemporary Art, for example, gathered, among other things, fine work by Jackson Pollock, Alberto Giacometti and Henry Moore.
取德黑兰现代艺术博物馆为例,先不说其他藏品,的确收集了杰克逊.波洛克,阿尔贝托.贾克梅蒂和亨利.摩尔的精品。 ecocn

The Giacometti was not the only work to fetch a high price at Sotheby’s on Wednesday evening.
周三晚苏富比拍卖行并非只有贾科梅蒂的这件作品拍出天价。 yeeyan

After World War II, Giacometti found that he could retain that particular sense of reality by making tall figures extremely thin and without detail.
二战结束以后,贾克梅蒂发现,他可以把人体塑造得十分细长并忽略所有细节,这样也能保持上述那种独特的真实感。 blog.sina.com.cn

After1952 Giacometti continued to concentrate on tall walking male and rigid female figures, with the latter being the most common subject.
1952年以后,贾克梅蒂继续集中精力创作瘦长的行走着的男子和体态僵硬的女子雕塑,后者是他最常用的主题。 blog.sina.com.cn

Although the installation was never realized, some of the sculptures— and others that Giacometti created as experiments for the project — were made; many, though, he destroyed.
然而人们此前从没有意识到它的价值。许多雕塑品--如贾科梅蒂的其他作品有如此的经历---经艺术家之手诞生;几经转手,然而没有意识到其中的价值,最终被毁损。 yeeyan

Assuming Giacometti's metaphorical composition in presenting life and death, he self- heals with a sense of presence found through yoga.
仿效贾科梅蒂以隐喻结构来表现生命与死亡,利用瑜珈的存在感知作为自我治疗。 christies

For the next ten years Giacometti struggled to find his way, at first working from the model and then working from memory.
之后的十年里,贾克梅蒂极力寻找一条属于自己的道路,先是基于真人模特的创作,而后转向了基于记忆的创作。 blog.sina.com.cn

From1948 until his death in 1966, Giacometti's stature in the art world kept growing, with several solo exhibitions in Europe and the United States.
从1948年直到1966年去世之前,贾克梅蒂先后到欧洲和美国举行了几次个展,在艺术界的地位始终处于上升态势。 blog.sina.com.cn

Last July ten paintings by Rothko and two sculptures by Alberto Giacometti were sold by a New York financier to help repay Mr Madoff’s investors.
去年七月十幅 Rothko的绘画和两具 Alberto Giacometti的雕塑作品被一个纽约财经人士售出以此来偿还 Madoff先生的投资者。 ecocn

The Giacometti probably fetched a high price because such large and important examples of his work rarely come onto the market. Not all masterpieces are auctioned.
梅蒂作品之所以创高,估计正因为他的这类大型且杰出的作品难得面市公开拍卖。 ecocn

These late busts, along with a series of the artist's wife Annettefrom1962 to1965, are some of Giacometti's most expressive.
后期的这些作品连同他在1962-1965年间为妻子安妮特创作的一系列塑像,都在贾克梅蒂最富表现力的作品之列。 blog.sina.com.cn




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